
The first interview we did specifically for this site was done in July 2009.

Since then our aspirations to do one interview a month have not been met due to time constraints.

Nonetheless. we hope to work with others in order to do or locate interviews for two types of people.

1. Students who are preparing for careers in health services and who are interested/involved in member care.

2. Professional colleagues who are working in sectors/disciplines that overlap with member care.

Any ideas/help please contact us or leave a comment below.

One idea is to research other web sites and to link to relevant interviews already done.

For example, see the two interview excerpts (10 minutes total, on YouTube)

with Dr Larry and Dr. Lois Dodds as they reflect on their 40 years in mission.

Interview excerpt 1

Interview excerpt 2

Also have a look at Yael Danieli's book, Sharing the Front Line and the Back Hills (2002). See especially the "Voices" sections which include brief reflections by humanitarian workers, peacekeepers, and media personnel who work in crisis situations. A review of this book is included here.