MC Resource Updates

Both of these monthly Updates are archived on the Member Care Associates website.


More Sources for Resources

1. CORE Member Care: Reflections, Research, and Resources for Good Practice

See the Index of the 300+ entries on the MCA weblog (January 2007--current).

2. MCA website--Featured Resources

Click here to access the resources we have highlighted since 2014.

3. More Member Care Updates
--Ethne to Ethne
-See the Index of the first 25 monthly Ethne-Member Care Updates HERE.
These Updates (November 2006--November 2008) are available on the MCA website HERE.
Ethne to Ethne produced additional Updates from 2009-2011.

There were 17 Global Member Care Briefings (MemCa), compiled and sent periodically between October 2001 to June 2006 The Briefings contained news, updates, resources, and perspectives on international member care. They ranged in length from two pages to 10+ pages. These inital MemCa Briefings, written/complied by Kelly O'Donnell and formatted by Harry Hofffmann, and still great sources for providing resources and perspectives as well as for reviewing historical developments of member care. They are archived and available in pdfs HERE. For current updates and news see the Global Member Care Networks Facebook page.

4. Other Member Care Organizations and Networks also send out updates/newsletters.

MCA Resource Updates

Examples from the first three years: 2009-2012

The resources listed in these Updates are chosen to encourage us as learners-practitioners

committed to cross cultures, disciplines, and sectors for mutual learning and good practice.

Finances/Friends and Money/Motivation. December 2012. This month we welcome Gaylyn Williams as the Guest Contributor. We are really grateful to Gaylyn for the many materials she has developed over the years ranging from books on managing stress to raising finances, and all presented in the context of Christian spiritual growth. This Update includes two sets of resources. The first set deals with raising funds in Christian ministry and the second set primarily looks at the motivation for money and other rewards in work.

Doing Good Well. November 2012. This month we tap into our desire to do good together with others as well as when no one is watching. We feature two items that have inspired us in our member care work and encouraged us in our personal lives. The first is the book Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Non-Profits (revised 2012). The second is the music/dance video Trip the Light (2012). We finish with an equally impactful item on doing good— a short, sobering excerpt from Charle’s Dicken’s Christmas Carol, Marley’s Ghost (1843).

Coaching for Mis/Aid Organizations. October 2012. This month we welcome Dr. Keith Webb as the Guest Contributor. Keith specializes in coaching (see his bio at the end). In this Update he shares two sets of resources that are especially useful for leaders and managers in mission/aid. The first set includes coaching materials from the nonprofit, business/personnel, and humanitarian sectors. The second set includes materials developed for faith-based (Christian) settings.

Mental Health as Mission. September 2012: This issue highlights new opportunities for the member care field to expand its influence on behalf of humanity. It focuses on integrating mental health approaches into the work of member care, and beyond. We call it "mental health as mission" (mhM). The Update includes two sets of mhM resources each with a great introductory video. The first set lists five items for getting a broad overview of mental health globally. The second set lists five items to further equip workers in mental health. These resources can really help the member care field and the mission/aid sector as it further enters into the crucial area of MHM. Humanity is waiting! Note: Wondering about mhM's relevance for member care and mission/aid? See the Final Thoughts section at the end of this Update.

Serving Humanity. August 2012: This issue focuses on going macro in the service of humanity--mingling new and old approaches for member care in mission/aid. The first set of materials includes three resources from Member Care Associates. These materials can help us to stay current and competent in our work. The second set of materials includes three items from the international mental health field. As you review them you will quickly see many relevant applications for your member care work. Note that a lot of the inspiration for this issue comes from the recent gathering of 5500 mental heath colleagues from over 100 countries in South Africa at the International Congress of Psychology: Psychology Serving Humanity. It was great to be there and to be exposed to a vast array or presentations and perspectives on psychology's contributions around the world.

Moral Character. July 2012: This issue focuses on the development of character for all those in mission/aid, especially member care workers. We see character as the core qualities of a person.These qualities are consistent over time and also reflect one’s moral goodness. Character is shaped by our life experiences, including hardship and role models. We include two set of resources from a Christian Perspective and a Social Psychology Perspective, in order to stimulate your own character growth and to support you in your work.

Planet India. June 2012: The first set of resources present two books to orient you to member care in the Indian context: Member Care in India: Ministry Call to Home Call (2012) and Marriage Masala: 52 Spices for a Healthy Marriage (2004). The second set of resources highlight the work a large member care organization in India called Missionary Upholders Trust (MUT). There is a feature article form the Chennai-based magazine Christian Manager which overviews MUT's history, values, and programs as well as a short summary of the recent national consultation on member care by MUT in Bangalore. These are of course just a few of the many materials and organizations related to member care in India today.

Global Letters for a Global Community. May 2012: This expanded issue of the Update consists of excerpts from Global Letters for a Global Community. The first part overviews some foundational perspectives that have positively affected the development of global member care (GMC). The second part identifies some current issues that have negatively affected the progress of GMC. Both parts emphasize the healing commitment to “truth and peace” in our relationships (Zech 8:19). This special issue, taken from eight of the latest CORE Member Care postings, launches us into the fourth year of the Updates. It is also sent as a special encouragement to the hundreds of participants that are meeting at the Member Care Conference in Bangalore, India (18-20 April) and at the Global Member Care Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand (23-27 April).

Confronting Corruption: Safeguards for Staff and Senders. April 2012: This expanded issue of the Update includes 10 essential resources to help us understand, prevent, and deal with corruption. We highlight key materials with representative quotes from the Christian community and the humanitarian/business sectors. One caveat to really take to heart: We are far more naïve about corruption—and our own capacity for self-deception—than we care to admit. Resources to deal with corruption are only as effective as the integrity and skill of the people who use them. We encourage us all to review these materials with colleagues and to apply them in our settings.

Work-Life Balance. March 2012: This month we look at keeping our lives healthy and productive. The first set of resources (faith-based) is a new book on stress management with many tools and a related website. The second set of resources (humanitarian) lists self-assessment tools and a short relaxation video. Go ahead—take time for yourself! Review your health-related behaviors-and thinking to improve your work-life balance.

Working Together. February 2012: Our relationships with each other in mission/aid at all levels (from individuals to partnerships) require intentional, ongoing attention in order remain healthy and effective. This month we thus offer two more sets of resources to support our relationships, emphasizing growing together and partnering together.

Sexual Purity and Protection. January 2012: This month we take a close look at human sexuality—the healthy and unhealthy aspects of it. The first set of resources address sexual purity from a Christian perspective, including lust/addiction and intimate relationships. The second set of resources cover the protection of vulnerable people from sexual exploitation in humanitarian settings, an issue receiving serious attention the past 10 years.

Ethical Guidelines. December 2011: This month we review resources to strengthen the ethical practice of member care. The first set of resources is for sending groups as they support their staff and as they work in mission/aid settings. The second set of resources is for member care workers providing clinical-counseling care.

Human Rights and Persecution. November 2011: This month we focus on two sets of resources regarding the broad area of persecution. The first set deals with international instruments that provide foundational, consensual protection for human rights, including religious liberty. The second set pertains to international support for people of faith who experience human rights abuses, including local Christians in mission/aid and member care.

Physical Health--Preventing NCDs. October 2011: This month we focus on the prevention and control of NCDs—non-communicable diseases. Governments, civil society, and the private sector have been involved in an extensive process to deal with four of the main NCDs: cancer, cardio-vascular, chronic respiratory, and diabetes. The two sets of resources below from the UN and WHO can help prevent NCDs and encourage healthy lifestyles for our mission/aid staff!

Exploring Global MC-MH. September 2011: This month we connect further with global member care (GMC) and global mental health (GMH). The GMC resources highlight excerpts from Global Member Care (2011) and two upcoming MC conferences. The GMH resources feature an overview article and two MH guidelines in development-aid. Our focus is summarized in a new term, proglóbity. This term combines three words that reflect good member care practice: probity (virtue) and ability (competence) in view of global realities.

Hard Core Realities. August 2011: This month we take a bit of a divergent route in our resources. What is life really like for mission/aid workers? How do they describe it? How candid can and should people be about “hard core realities”—such as finding rest/relaxation in the midst of human misery, dealing as young women with multiple marriage proposals from locals, and exposing/preventing physical-sexual abuse in TCK settings? The two sets of resources below will inform, entertain, and perhaps at times disturb you.

Lessons in Military Care. July 2011: This month we explore member care in the armed forces. You will find many relevant applications for your work in mission/aid through the two sets of resources highlighted: 1) care for military families and 2) comprehensive soldier fitness-resiliency. The use of military force of course is a controversial area. We share these resources though to promote a healthier and more peaceful world.

Moral Competence. June 2011: This month we are looking at moral failure and moral success in the context of mission/aid. The first set of resources focuses on personal issues and the second set of resources focuses on organizational issues. Permeating both areas is the need for moral competence and moral courage among leaders.

Two-Year Index! (with links). May 2011: This month we are listing in chronological order the first two years of the Resource Updates. The list below reflects many of the diverse resources that have been featured. You will likely see items that you will want to review and also use in your work. Just click on the date of the Update to connect!

Mental Health for All. April 2011: This month we focus on two crucial and overlapping areas. First: mental health resources useful for counselors/therapists working with mission/aid workers. Second: mental health resources to better understand/help the millions of people who have mental, neurological, and substance use conditions.

Master Care. March 2011: This month we focus on spiritual health/growth for mission/aid workers: Master care (relationship with God). The two sets of resources are based mostly on Christian spirituality: 1) media items (e.g., Deovox—brief audio Bible studies) and 2) written items (e.g., Jesus Calling—brief devotionals).

Upgrading Staff Care. February 2011: This month we focus on staff care for sending organization,s providing a quick overview of important issues and current thinking. First we highlight five staff care articles in InterAction’s Monday Developments magazine and second we report on the staff care research by InterHealth/People In Aid.

Healing for Grief and Trauma. January 2011: This month we feature two resources. The first is a creative tool called Tear Soup, which can help people of all ages grieve well though their losses and transitions. The second is Recovering from Traumatic Stress, a short book describing many common symptoms and helps for traumatic stress.

Security Management. December 2010: The focus this month continues the theme of the June 2010 Update on safety/protection in mission/aid settings. The first resource is by the Humanitarian Practice Network on staff security (free new manual and webinar). The second resource highlights materials from Crisis Consulting International.

Doing Teams Well. November 2010: The focus this month is on strong teams. The first resource is a free online module to develop skills for team resiliency (a five-lesson, miulti-media course). The second resource lists many key books/web links to help strengthen teams and teamwork.

Case Studies. October 2010: This month we feature resources involving case studies. The first set links you to five presentations (free audio and video). The presentations include three case studies in member care from the recent Caravan group's training day in California. The training day focused on organizational perspectives for member care. The second set of resources briefly describes two books and links them to short previews. The books respectively include brief international cases in mission (18) and brief international cases in mental health (70 pages). Fascinating and instructive!

Readings Galore! September 2010: This month we feature two special items. First is Helping Missionaries Grow, a classic compilation of 50 articles, now available online in written and audio formats. So many of these materials are still so relevant--browse the Table of Contents and be sure to check out the audio links. Second is The Best 100 Books for Humanitarians, an online listing covering a wide range of topics and stories to better understand this diverse field. Have a look over this list and for sure you will find many fascinating and helpful reads.

Assessment Tools for Self Care. August 2010: In this issue we focus on Assessment Tools for Self Care. How do we monitor our overall health as we work in member care? And how do we help support mission/aid workers as they monitor their own health? In this issue we highlight several assessment tools in different languages that can help. Two tools in particular are the new edition of Managing Stress on the Field (2009) and the new edition of the Professional Quality of Life Scale (2009).

Third Culture Kids and Cross-Cultural Kids. July 2010: In this issue we focus on two outstanding books. The first is a newly released book to support TCKs who are transitioning into university (The Global Nomad's Guide to University Transitions). The second is the 2009 revision of a classic book on TCKs, which further develops our understanding of the various types of Cross-Cultural Kids, including TCKs. (Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds). Both of these books are “must-haves” for our member care libraries and practice!

Safety and Protection. June 2010: In this issue we include two sets of materials: safety issues for mission workers (links to a special audio report and a case study) and safety issues for humanitarian workers (links to a special magazine issue and a recent report on staff security). Keep in mind that there is considerable debate concerning how much risk is ethically acceptable when exposing mission/aid staff to dangerous settings. Also keep in mind that there are “reasons” for wanting to harm mission/aid staff in that they can be seen as posing risks to the established political/social order, religious truth/stability, and the objectives of warring factions. Finally, note that some of the main stressors for mission/aid workers also include interpersonal conflict, organizational/management practices, and feeling helpless to meet major needs.

Human Resource Systems. May 2010: The focus in this issue is on a crucial area that significantly overlaps with our member care programs. We describe two tools to help sending organizations assess and develop the effectiveness of their “human resource systems.” The first tool is a checklist that briefly overviews 25 core components of a human resource system. The second tool is an assessment process to identify the characteristics and capacity of your organization’s human resource system. Both tools are like road maps to help us navigate how we support and manage our staff in light of our organizational objectives and commitment to staff well-being. They are comprehensive yet meant to encourage, not overwhelm!

Global Mental Health. April 2010: This month we focus on global mental health and its relevance for member care. We emphasize some of the main web-based resources from the World Health Organization (WHO). Two sets of resources are the a) multimedia overviews and b) the comprehensive reviews of the status of mental, neurological, and substance use disorders around the world. For more reflections on links between global mental health/member care, see the 20.03.2010 entry at

Pornography and Addictions. March 2010: This month we focus on Pornography and Addictions. The first set of resources includes web-based materials for sexual struggles, including materials in different languages. The second set of resources describes a few books to help break the addictive cycle and promote healing and health. People do not need to be stuck!

Dealing with Disasters. February 2010: This month we focus on Dealing with Disasters. In the aftermath of yet another horrific natural calamity—the Haiti earthquake—how do we respond to help people, communities, and entire nations? The two areas of resources we offer: grids for rescue/relief operations and materials for providing psychosocial support.

International Issues and Resources. January 2010: This month we focus on two sets of International Resources. The first is a listing of sites exploring global issues, highlighting the online video review of 2009 from the United Nations. The second is a list of materials on culture and diversity in health care, featuring a short video on “street psychiatry” in India.

Resiliency. December 2009: This month we focus on Resiliency—the ability to deal with and grow through life’s challenges. It requires a combination of inner strength and social support.The first resource is a book exploring how workers can flourish in difficult settings. The second includes tools to assess areas related to resiliency.

Indonesia and Africa. November 2009: This month we focus on two special resources. The first includes links to member care materials in different languages, this month emphasizing the major language of Bahasa Indonesia. The second provides materials (written and DVD) on Christian counseling in an African context.

Personality Disorders, Connecting/Contributing to Member Care. October 2009: This month we focus on two special resources to support you in your work. The first provides a core list/links for materials on assessing and managing personality disorders. The second is a new online power point to help people connect/contribute to the international fields of member care and humanitarian aid.

Missionary Care (book) and Human Resource Management (books). September 2009: This month we focus on two special resources to support you in your work. The first is a classic member care book now available online for free: M Care (1992). The second lists some of the helpful books on assessing/promoting worker effectiveness from the Society for Human Resource Management.

Member Caravan (website) and Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me (book). August 2009: This month we focus on two resources to support you in your work. The first is a new member care web site for students in the health sciences and others in member care. The second is a fascinating book that explores self-deception—how it works, how it harms, and how it can be managed. (Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me).

People in Aid and WHO Mental Health. July 2009: This month we focus on two organizations with many helpful resources to support you in your work: People In Aid and the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department of the World Health Organization.

Healthy Leadership. June 2009: We want to let you know about two helpful resources to help support you in your work. These resources focus on healthy leadership, with an emphasis on both grace and transparency. (audio/video devotional Named, Known, and Called and the book Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor).

TCKs (radio interview) and Good Practice in Member Care (video lectures). May 2009: We want to let you know about two new audio-visual resources to help support you in your work. These resources are designed to encourage and equip us all and are now available online for free. They focus on third culture kids/expatriate families and good practice in mission/aid settings.(interview on World Radio Geneva and the Fuller Member Care Lectures)