
for DS 2,3,4

Rotohelper is a DazStudio script i created very quickly to help someone, it's not really user friendly

but after a few minutes of learning it does the job :)

There is no user interface, you must modify the code using a text editor like notepad or wordpad

( make a backup first )

the instructions are part of the script's code

Download links at the bottom of this web page

// DAZ Studio version 3.0 filetype DAZ Script


//------------------------- rotohelp v1.2 --------------------------


// lets say the timeline is at frame 7


// launching this script will load the image

// c:\job001\bkgpics\pic7.bmp


// ( note that since padds[0]=0, then number 7 is not padded with zeros )


// then this image will be applied to the "Diffuse Color" channel

// of the material named "Default"

// of the node named "Plane"


// and


// the script will load the image

// c:\job001\frgpics\pic07.png


// note how number 7 is padded with 2 zeros, as specified by padds[1]=2


// then apply it to the "Diffuse Color" channel

// of the material named "Default"

// of the node named "Plane 2"


// on a Mac, the values of paths[] should look something like

//var paths = new Array(

// "/Users/markv/Desktop/movie1/test",

// "/Users/markv/Desktop/movie2/test"

// );


// section to be modified by you!


var paths = new Array(




var padds = new Array(




var suffixes = new Array(




var nodenames = new Array(


"Plane 2"


var matnames = new Array(




var propnames = new Array(

"Diffuse Color",

"Diffuse Color"



// normally you dont need to modify anything below this line


var msg = "";

var num = Scene.getFrame();

for( var i = 0; i < 2; i++ )


processMaterials( paths[i], num, padds[i], suffixes[i], nodenames[i], matnames[i], propnames[i] );


App.statusLine( msg );


//----------------------------- end of program run -------------------------------



// build an image filename using path,num,suffix

//num is zero padded with the number of zeros specified in [padd]

// apply this image to property [propname] of material [matname]

// of the node named [nodename]


function processMaterials( path, num, padd, suffix, nodename, matname, propname )


var oNode = Scene.findNodeByLabel( nodename );

if( !oNode )


msg = "cant find node named" + nodename;

return( false );


var mgr = App.getImageMgr();

var inPic = path + paddthis( num, padd ) + suffix;

var img = mgr.getImage( inPic );

if( !img )


msg = "cant find image" + inPic;

return( false );


var oObject = oNode.getObject(); //no errorcheck

var nShapes = oObject.getNumShapes();

for( var s = 0; s < nShapes; s++ )


var oShape = oObject.getShape( s );

if( oShape != undefined )


var oMaterial = oShape.findMaterial( matname );

if( oMaterial != undefined )


var oProperty = oMaterial.findProperty( propname );

if( oProperty != undefined )


oProperty.setMap( img );


return( true );




msg = "the property " + propname + " does not exist for the surface named " + matname + ".";

return( false );



// zero-pad a number


function paddthis( i, padd )


if( padd <= 1 )

return( i );

var str = "";

var decade = Math.pow(10,padd-1);

for( j = padd-1; j > 0; j-- )


if( i < decade )


str = str + "0";


decade = decade / 10;


str = str + i;

return( str );
