Ceramic Tiles and Blocks




Ceramic tile props in obj format




02/05/2011 Release


Installing ( importing)


The download section is at the bottom of this page.

The zip file contains the following wavefront .obj files.

and the Low-Polygon-Count versions:

and the Low-polygon-count versions

In Daz studio, use File / Import / Wavefront Object ( .obz, .obj )

I suggest using an import scaling factor of 30000% which gives you 15cm X 30cm tiles

the tiles look great when converted to subD, remember to set "Edge Interpolation" to "Edges and corners" in the parameters tab

The surface material for Low-Poly tiles should probably have the "smooth" option turned off

to get shiny mirror surfaces i used Marianne Gilliand's Supershine shaders





by mCasualJacques

Public domain