
for DS 1,2,3,4


Using this script for Daz Studio (link), you define a curve and one click later you obtain an object that you can insert in your movie sets !

As of November 28th, it can also export the result as a SecondLife Sculpty

The zip file now contains a version for Daz Studio 1.8, Daz Studio 2 and one for Daz Studio 3

The download link is found at the bottom of this web page.

Unzip the zip file, say, on a windows computer, in

C:\Program Files\DAZ\Studio\content\Scripts\mCJLathe

if that's where your Daz Studio content is installed

then the script should become visible in your Daz Contents browser

under Studio/Scripts/mCJLathe


unzip zip file, say, in c:\mcjlathe

then in DS3 do:

File/Merge/ ... c:/mcjlathe/mcjLathe_20091128.dse

if using DS2 do:

File/Merge/ ... c:/mcjlathe/mcjLathe_20091128_DS2.dsb

note that the zip file also contains the manual, in HTML format and the many pictures you see below

The User Interface

Shown below is the initial appearance of mCJLathe's user interface.

The large graphical area is called the blackboard.

The vertical middle of the blackboard acts as a mirror, so as you modify the right side of the curve, mCJLathe modifies the left side of the curve.

The 5 blue dots are called the control knots ( one is hidden by the red dot) they control the shape of the curve.

The red dot is the currently selected knot.

The white and yellow dots are automatically generated by mCJLathe;

If you left-click anywhere on the blackboard, the currently selected knot (red dot) will jump to this position and mCJLathe will rebuild the smooth curve.

The listbox shown below contains the list of the positions of the 5 control knots that define the curve. The position of the currently selected knot (red dot) is highlighted.

The lower left corner of the blackboard is at ( -0.5, 0 ) and the upper right corner is at ( 0.5, 1.0 )

This lisbox is where you can change the currently selected knot (red dot).

So if i click on the third row of the listbox...

... i can now move the middle of the curve around

Oh my God it's full of buttons.

Pressing the Insert Knot button will insert a new control knot just after the currently selected knot. This new knot will become the currently selected knot.

Pressing the Delete Knot button will delete the currently selected knot.

The 5 snap buttons will move the currently selected knot to the snap position

So far, each time we moved the first and last control knots, something prevented us from moving it away from the mirror line of the blackboard : the two Weld checkboxes were checked. If we turn the Weld top option off, we can now move the end of the curve anywhere and our bottle can have an opening at the top!

The "Closed Curve" checkbox will weld the first and last control knots together. this will help you create ring objects.

When you start mCJLathe the blackboard's backdrop is a gray 8 x 8 grid. You can change this to any square image you like using the "Load Backdrop" button. To return to the standard grid, use the "Grid Backdrop" button.

To save and retrieve the curves you built, use the "Save Curve" and "Load Curve" buttons. The Curve files are in fact text files which could be modified by technically minded people ( no i didn't say nerd ).

example: the Utah Teapot curve shown above

type    mcjLathe
vrsn    2009.11.25
twld    true
bwld    true
nsds    32
nsgs    4
note    vertex coordinates: first column is x second is y
note    X must remain in the [-0.5,0.5] range
note    Y must remain in the [0.0,1.0] range
v    0    0.25
v    0.1796875    0.25
v    0.2359375    0.25468749999999996
v    0.246875    0.2796875
v    0.303125    0.40625
v    0.2265625    0.6609375
v    0.20625    0.7046875
v    0.175    0.7125
v    0.090625    0.7234375
v    0.0453125    0.74375
v    0.0375    0.7765625
v    0.0484375    0.825
v    0.03125    0.8421875
v    0    0.846875

( the spout and handle were built using "flexithings" found here: )

The ".obj num sides" slider lets you specify how many sides the lathed object will have. i found out that 32 sides gives a very smooth appearance.

the "subdivide segments" slider sets the number of times the curve is subdivided between the control knots . The yellow dots along the curve shown on the blackboard represent those subdivisions. So a high number of subdivisions like 8 gives us a very smooth result while a value of 1 gives us a rough (but very lightweight) result.

example: the bottle from the previous example with ".obj num sides" = 8 and "subdivide segments" = 1

and to the right with ".obj num sides" = 32 and "subdivide segments" = 8

The Create and Save .obj button is the moment we've been waiting for!

mCJLathe, builds the object, and writes it in an .obj file , under the name you chose.

This .obj file can then be imported back into Daz Studio ( File/Import/Wavefront Object (.0bj;.obz)

the number of polygons (faces) of the resulting object is given by

number of faces = ( number of knots - 1 ) × number of subdivisions  ×  number of sides

for the body of the teapot we had

( 14 knots - 1 ) × 4 subd × 32 sides = 1664 faces

an object with only 1664 is very "light" on Daz Studio's shoulders

in comparison, the Daz Aiko3 figure is 74000 faces

and in unrelated trivia, 1664 is the year when the Kronenbourg a popular lager, was first produced

The""Save as SL Sculpty"" button lets you export the object as a 64x64 pixels image that SecondLife can read, meaning, yes, that your creations can be tele-transported into SecondLife verse :)

and since the proof is in the pudding, here's our bottle in the demo area of the world famous "help Island" of the SecondLife Universe!!

For best results, save your sculpty using a lossless image format like bmp, tga or png ( not jpg ).

This little 64x64 pixels image when uploaded to SecondLife for $10L, then applied to a "prim" becomes the bottle you saw on help island.

And here's the textures (by me ) which prettify pbjects so much :)

page updated Nov 28th 2009 22:50 eastern time gmt-5