
VirtualBox - shared folders under Linux guest :

Windows share access (SMB or SAMBA) from very old Linux (like Mandrake 10.0 for example) on Windows10 :

- Desactivated per-default on Windows 10, you must activate it back.
- Dans "Fonctionnalités Windows", dans la liste "Support de partage de fichiers SMB 1.0/CIFS", cocher "Serveur SMB 1.0/CIFS" ! puis redémarrer Windows...

Access to serial ports for a user under Linux :

type: "sudo adduser xxxxxxxx dialout"
(xxxxxxxx = account user name)

Software to create bootable usb drives to install any Linux distributions / Windows :

C++Builder (Embarcadero) - mysterious apperance of "unknown heap name / LME288 errors" during link for all projects (seen with XE7 and Tokyo 10.2, on Windows 7 / 32 bits) :

* Only for XE7, set Large Address Aware flag on ilink.exe, with the lamarker tool :
    - "lamarker -M -Filink32.exe"
* Enable the 3GB memory space at bootup on the computer :
    - Run command prompt as Administrator.
    - Type (without quotes) "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072"
    - Reboot computer.
Infos taken from here :

Firefox since version 52 and applets Java no more running :

Yes, the applets can run again with the following :
In "about:config" page, create a new boolean value "plugin.load_flash_only" with the "false" value.
(or use Firefox ESR directly...)

Disable "CompatTelRunner" process (taking a lot of CPU time) on Windows 7 :

GTK3 (Gnome, Mate, ...) : retrieve normal function for scrollbars when clicking on the scroll area below/above the position indicator to scroll down/up page-wise, just like the PgDwn/PgUp keys does :

How to Make Xfce’s Login Screen Remember My Username

Error message at launch, after ftp transfer of exe: "Inconsistency detected by dynamic-link.h: 62: elf_get_dynamic_info: Assertion `! "bad dynamic tag"' failed!"
=> set ftp binary mode transfer !!!!!

Synpaptic failed (lock...)
=> "sudo dpkg --configure -a"

Difference hour time between Windows and Linux in multi-boot on same PC :

Windows works with a RTC in local time, and Linux in UTC time...
To modify on Linux side, use command : "timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock", ant then verify if taken into accound with "timedatectl" (RTC in local TZ).

AVR 8 bits programming with USB programmer ( on Windows 10:

- Using avrdude 6.3 (
- Using Zadig ( to install libusb (just required to start exe) for "FT232R USB UART" in the list. After install, in 'device manager' remove the libusb driver assocation (+ check 'delete' !!!) to retrieve the classic COMx Windows serial port.
- Programming command example :
"avrdude -p m88pb -c stk500v2 -P COM7 -e -U flash:w:software_file.hex"