Install LibreOffice-SDK for cpp

In november 2021, I again reinstalled the LibreOffice SDK with Visual C++ Build Tools 2019 on Windows.

(It is a standalone compiler version without Visual graphical interface stuff not required here when only using Makefile project)

See LibreOffice informations (and links !) here :

Here what I have done :

- Downloaded and installed LibreOffice SDK (version 7.1.7 at this time)
For compatibilty reasons, I'm using the 32 bits version of LibreOffice (x86).

- Downloaded and installed Visual-cpp-build-tools (version 2019 at this time)
Beware in the Visual Studio installer, to manually select installation of the VS 2015 C++ build tools, with MSVC v140!

- Downloaded and installed GnuWin32 for make

- Downloaded and copied zip, cat and sed tools as asked (cat.exe and sed.exe binaries are located in usr\local\wbin\ of the archive !!!)

And now I do this to be able to compile a cpp project from it's Makefile :

- Launch "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" from the Windows menu.

- Launch the script "setsdkenv_windows.bat" from "xxx\LibreOffice_SDK\sdk" with :

    * "cd \"
    * "cd xxx\LibreOffice_SDK\sdk"
    * "setsdkenv_windows.bat"

    The first time you will have to set the correct path for each software, here for the cpp compiler I have OO_SDK_CPP_HOME=c:\devsofts\microsoft visual studio\2019\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.29.30133\bin\hostx86\x86

    (note at a moment, when "VCVARS32.bat" launched by the sdkenv bat, this error reported: "ERROR: Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools folder." that does not prevent to work after because environment variables for the compiler already defined...)

    The title of the shell window becomes "Shell prepared for SDK" !

Here, I've a big trouble with  "setsdkenv_windows.bat" because of x86 path to my 32 bits version of LibreOffice containing parenthesis (""C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice").
I had to manually modify the batch file to be able to correctly manage the parenthesis of the LibreOffice directory,
see here my bug report : 

- Compile the cpp project with :

    * "cd \"
    * "cd YourProjectDirectory"
    * ".......\GnuWin32\bin\make SHELL=cmd"

The important thing here, is the "SHELL=cmd" parameter added, else GNU make on Windows try to use "sh.exe" and crashed here for me...

Do not forget to adjust "PRJ"(fixed at "../../.." per default) variable in Makefile if the sources project are not located in "examples\cpp\" directory projects of sdk, to retrieve the "sdk/" sub directory !