The Ottawa Journal, April 30, 1947, page 12

THE OTTAWA JOURNAL Marian Congress Program To Be Held June 18 to June 22.

Prelates from six countries and four Canada provinces have accepted roles-in the program of the Marian Congress to be held in Ottawa June 18 to 22. They will either officiate or preach at the series- of solemn religious functions which will, be the focal events of five days of prayers for peace and devotion to the Virgin Mary. In addition to Canada the countries represented by Bishops and Cardinals taking part in the program are the United States, Ireland France, Vatican City, Cuba. Bishops from the province's of, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have also accepted roles. Big Days For the Public. The official program of the ' Congress as released today indicates the three big days for the public will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 20, 21 and 22. Officially the Congress opens Wednesday, June 18, the "Day of Reception", with-the arrival Of the Cardinal Legate, the Pope's personal representative. He will be escorted at once to the Cathedral where a liturgical reception will take place, the Papal brief setting up the special mission will be read and the Legate will extend the Papal blessing. Later in the day there will be a reception at which the Legate will meet governmental and civil leaders. Prime Minister Mackenzie King will deliver an address of welcome. Thursday. June 19 is called the "Day of Preparation". Solemn masses will be said in all churches of the diocese for the success of it

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