Prize in Critical Technology Studies

Andrew Feenberg

Honorary Chair of the Prize Committee

Prize in Critical Technology Studies

The Prize in Critical Technology Studies is awarded occasionally by the International Herbert Marcuse Society, for an outstanding work (e.g., book, article, essay)—recently published—that advances the critical theory of technology in the struggle for liberation.

In 2023, the International Herbert Marcuse Society established the Prize in Critical Technology Studies. Andrew Feenberg (now Professor Emeritus and the former Canada Research Chair in the Philosophy of Technology in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, CANADA), a former student of Herbert Marcuse and a prominent critical theorist of technology, serves as the Honorary Chair of the prize committee, whose members are appointed by the Marcuse Society's board of directors.

In the words of Professor Feenberg,

Critical technology studies takes nothing for granted. The design and purpose of technologies is socially constructed, but by whom and for what purpose? In a technified society that is the vital question.

Contemporary critical theory must address this two-part question and related problems. The Prize in Critical Technology Studies is awarded occasionally by the International Herbert Marcuse Society, for an outstanding work (e.g., book, article, essay)—recently published—that advances the critical theory of technology in the struggle for liberation. Inspired by Marcuse's radical spirit, the prize committee seeks to recognize those making significant contributions to critical technology studies.

The current Chair of the prize committee for the Prize in Critical Technology Studies is _____________________________________________________________________. The other members of the prize committee include