
  • When you click the Map command or the Go Out command, you will see the available locations in your town and the vicinity.
  • If you click any spot on the main map, you will see the shops and attractions in that area. When you click on the icon, you will see the location's description on the left screen, including its level (Lv.) and how it affects your parameters.
  • Date Spots' levels will go up when you use Go Out command to go there. (You will hear a chirping sound when the location's level is up.) The level will go up faster if you go on a date with your girlfriend than when you go alone. Maximum level of a date spot is Lv.3. Level can drop if you don't go there for a long time.
  • Date spots with higher Lv. means that there will be less crowded and you will have higher chance to touch or kiss your girlfriend.
  • There are spots that you can only go there alone but cannot go there for a date. For example, CD Shop, Game Center, Electronic Shop, Sport Center, etc. These spots don't have level.
  • At some locations such as Shopping Mall, Zoo, Aquarium, you will have to choose which part of that location you want to go.

For a list of all available locations, see here.

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