Seokdo on Imperial Edict 41 ,22Oct1900 is not Takeshima Liancourt Rocks.

Actually there are no map or no records which island be Seokdo on Imperial Edict no.41 on 22Oct1900.

So there are only Hypothesis options now. In the future if there are new record find, we would know which island be Seokdo. Now we have only two records which describes Seokdo. But one denies Seokdo is Liacnourt Rocks.

1.Korean imperial edict no.41 on 22OCT1900

右 該島가 東溟에 特立야 大陸이 遠隔온바 開國五百四年에 島監을 設置야 島民을 保護고 事務 管掌케  該島監 裵季周의 報牒과 本部視察官 禹用鼎과 東萊稅務司의 視察錄을 參互節査온즉 該地方이 蹤可八十里오 橫爲五十里라 四圍峭壁에 中有巨山야 自北止南고 間有大川야 深廣이 幾容舟楫고 其土가 沃腴고 其民이 質野야 自數十年來로 民蓄이 蕃殖야 戶數가 爲四百餘家오 墾田이 爲萬餘斗落이라 居民의 一年農作擔包數爻가 藷爲二萬餘包오 大麥이 爲二萬餘包오 黃

勅令 第四十一號

鬱陵島를 鬱島로 改稱고 島監을 郡守로 改正 件

第一條 鬱陵島를 鬱島라 改稱야 江原道에 附屬고 島監을 郡守로 改正야 官制中에 編入고 郡等은 五等으로  事.

第二條 郡廳位置 台霞洞으로 定고 區域은 鬱陵全島와 竹島石島 管轄 事.

第三條 開國五百四年八月十六日官報中 官廳事項欄內 鬱陵島以下十九字 刪去고 開國五百五年勅令第三十六號第五條江原道二十六郡의 六字 七字로 改正고 安峽郡下에 鬱島郡三字 添入 事.

第四條 經費 五等郡으로 磨鍊호 現今間인즉 吏額이 未備고 庶事草創기로 該島收稅中으로 姑先磨鍊 事.

第五條 未盡 諸條 本島開拓을 隨야 次第磨鍊 事.


第六條 本令은 頒布日로부터 施行 事.

議政府贊政內部大臣 李乾夏 議政府議政 尹容善 閤下 査照 光武四年十月二十二日

In this document, it is impossible to judge which island is Seokdo.

2..Hwasong Simbun, Ullengdo administlative area. 13Jul1906

統 監府에서 內部에 公函하되 江原道 三陟郡 管下에 所在 鬱陵島에 所属島嶼와 郡廳設始 年月을 示明하라는 故로 答函하되、光武二年五月二十日에 鬱陵島監으로 設始 하였다가 光武四年十月二十五日에 政府會議를 經由하야 郡守를 配置하니 郡廳은 台霞洞에 在하고 該郡所管島는 竹島石島오、東西가 六十里오 南北이 四十里니, 合 二百餘里라고 하였다더라.

They said Ulleungdo's district is 60ri east-west and 40ri south-nowth and circumstances 200ri. So Liacnourt rocks are out of Ullengdo districtand it can be concluded that Seokdo isn't Liacnorut rocks.

Hypothesis 1 The Seokdo 石島=竹嶼Boussole Rock

Both Japan and Korean impeiral's recognization, the most prominent adjunctive islands of Ulluengdo is Jukdo-Boussole Rock in various records and Maps, by inspector's.

Checking the original document of Imperial Edict no.41(大韓勅令41), there are no blank or period between Jukdo(

竹島/嶼)and Seokdo(石島). Those cases, it can also be possible to read it is "Jukdo other name Seokdo", which suggests one island twin names. Korean scholor insist "it is Jukdo and Seokdo", but it is not confirmed explanation.

Most prominent adjuncive island of Ulleungdo by Korean's recognization is Usando-Jukdo and Most prominent adjuncive island of Ulleungdo is Boussole Rock-Tessemi island. Check the details about "What is "Usando-Jukdo on Hwason Simbum (newspaper)

Also, checking hidrographic magazines both Europe and Japan, Boussole Rock-Jukdo(竹嶼) had been explained most prominent adjunctive island of Ulluengdo. although, Liancourt rocks is independently explaind from Dagelet-Matsushima-Ulleungdo. So it can be a choice which Seokdo be Jukdo-Boussole Rock.

Jukdo was biggest adjunctive island of Ullengdo by Japanese recognization.


鬱陵島(一名松島)・・・省略・・・竹嶼(朝鮮人之を竹島と云う)を除くの外一岩嶼の岸より二鏈牟を出る者なし。竹嶼は此島の近海にて最大にして島の東海岸を距 る。七鏈竹嶼の北方約五鏈に一嶼あり。北方に向て洞穴二個並列す。

hidrographic magazine

Ulleungdo(a.k.a Matsushima).......(omit).....except Jukdo竹嶼(which Koran call it Jukdo竹島) there are no rocks out of Ulleungdo 2?? and Jukdo is most biggest nearby Ulleungdo in the east of Ulluengdo. North of Jukdo, there are a island with two caves on north.

鬱陵島(一名松島)海軍海図第五四号第九五号を見よ・・・中略・・・何れも鬱陵島の如く走界にして錘測も恃みとするに足をす然 れも竹嶋(此嶼は島の東濱を距る七鏈の處にあり)を除くの外、皆本島の崖岸を距る1/4里以上に出る者なし。島の北濱に接して孔岩あり岩を貫きて一大孔あ るを以て其形甚奇なり此岩と相對せる陸岸に高さ大凡八〇〇呎の花崗岩山あり滑面禿兀峻険にして形糖塔の如し。

Hypothesis 2

Seokdo is South Five Rocks, which is part of "Six small adjunctive rocks of Ulleungdo incruding most prominent of Usando(Jukdo). This five south islands were described till 1900 altough it is ghost island.

(Mainly Gerry Bevers insist it)

In the DaedongJisi(大東地誌) written by Kim Jonho金正浩 in 1864, he explains Usan is another name of Ullengdo, quoted from the recognization of Yeojisunram輿地勝覧 so he omitted Usando-Jukdo.But he draw there are five island on south of Ullengdo, same like typical Korean Detailed Ulleungdo maps after 1694 so it can assumed that Korean believe there are "Five South Island". those unknown island, it is some possibility that they named "Seokdo" is catch-all easy name on it.

hypothesis 3

In the past few years, Japanese scholor insist Seokdo is Gwaneumdo , quote the 鼠項島 on attached map of Korean fisiery magazine and it can read "Sokoto". Today, another sea chaet by the Battleship Matsue(軍艦松江), it describes 鼠項島 as Seommokseom, so this theory had become weak.

But, there are still some another evidence implies the theory.

On 1928 Gwaneumdo/Seommokseom called "Stone-Buddha island 石仏島 which locates northeast of Ulluengdo ,nearby Seokbo-dong and Chon Seokbo, SamseonRocks and Jukam(Bamboo Rock). There are so many "Stone-Related" place of name on northeast of Ulleugndo.

Also, there are Detailed Ulleungdo map by Korean ulluengdo inspectors (stored on Samchok library and so on) Dthey draw Gwanemudo as Small-Usando on their maps. So Gwanemudo had been recognized second prominent island of Ullengdo and it can be listed-up of Seokdo.

hypothesis 3

I already explained in the introduction, There are no record which shows Korea had recognized Liacnourt Rocks is part of Ulleungdo district/administlative area before 1906. Also, .there are no records which describes Liancourt Rocks is inside easternmost boundary of Korea in various articles

Koreans insist that Seokdo had changed to Dokdo followed Chonglado's(全羅道) dialet changes. Checking the records we can get to know Korean immigrant on Ulleungdo after 1882 are mostly Kyonsan-Bukdo慶尚北道 and Kanwondo江原道 people, not Chonglado全羅道 people.

Also , there are no records which confirms Takeshima's true position and shape with "Seokdo name" on map or ducument. So there are no evidence which confirms "Seokdo is Liancourt Rocks".


About Seokdo on Korean Imperial Edict no.41 on 22OCT1900, there are no record or evidence which confirms Seokdo's details, incruding latitude and longtitude, and precise shape or description on map or reports. At the same time, Japanese claims about Seokdo also no evidence to conclude which island is Seokdo.

Only we know about Seokdo is, within 60ri east to west and 40 ri north to south and circumstance 200ri around Ullengdo. Ofocurse Liacnourt rocks are not belongling to this area. So It can concluded that Liacnourt Rocks is no Seokdo.

Peronally, I assuming that U JongTong had reported about Ulluengdo on 1899-1900,, there are exsist report itself but not found detailed Ulleungdo map by him. It is quite difficult to understand what he wrote without any attached maps so if Korean govement hide the map?