Detailed Map by Japanese Dagelet(Ulluengdo) inspectors around 1880-1910.

It is clue to judge the place of name on Korean's antique maps that Checking Japanese inspector's map.

Around 1860's some Japanese illegally visit on Dagelet-Matsushima to cutting timber mainly. Ofcourse It is Korea's Ulleungdo. But they didnt know it is Ulluengdo but they recognized it is Dagelet-Matsushima and territory of Japan so they had visited on Ulleungdo.

After the acceptance of claim by Joseon Dynasty, Japan send policeman and govemental officer to catch all illegal visitor on Ullengdo from Japan , they visit on Ullengdo and recorded place of name and maps.


以上、甲乙丙丁ノ議紛紜定ラサルコト如斯ニシテ、巡見ノコトモ其儘止タリシニ、明治十三年九月ニ至リ天城艦乘員海軍少尉三浦重鄕等廻航ノ次松島ニ至リ測量 シ、其地卽チ古來ノ鬱陵島ニシテ其北方ノ小島竹島ト號スル者アレ共、一個ノ巖石ニ過サル旨ヲ知リ、多年ノ疑議一朝永解セリ、今其圖ヲ左方ニ出セリ

Water report No.33 水路報告第三十三号

此 記事ハ現下天城艦乘員海軍少尉三浦重鄕ノ略畵報道スル所ニ係ル、 日本海 松島(韓人之ヲ蔚陵島ト稱ス)錨地ノ發見 松島ハ我隱岐國ヲ距ル北 西四分三約一百四十里ノ處ニアリ、該島從來海客ノ精撿ヲ經サルヲ以テ其假泊地ノ有無等ヲ知ルモノナシ、然ルニ今般我天城艦朝鮮ヘ廻航ノ際此地ニ寄航シテ該 島東岸ニ假泊ノ地ヲ發見シタリ卽左ノ圖面ノ如シ、右報告候也、 明治十三年九月十三日 水路局長 海軍少將柳楢悅

This frigat Amagi's reports written on Water way magazine. The description of Water way magazine is mixed information both Amagi's survey and 1859's Actaeon report on China Sea directory.

Water way magazine No.14 水路雑誌14号より抜粋


此島は洋中の一孤島にして、我隠岐国隠岐島より北東二分一、東一百三十四里、長門国角島より北二分一、東一百八十五里、釜山浦より北西四分三、北二百六十 五里の処に在り。全島巖石より成るものの如く、而し樹木蔚然、周囲は絶壁多く唯南東面に少しく平坦なる処あり。我輩の此に到るや土人の小舎を構へ漁舟を造 るを見たり。他の浜岸は小舟と雖も近つく可らさるか如し。東方に一小嶼あり。且奇石怪巖島を環らして星羅せり。我艦航走中此島頂の高度を測りて二千三百九 十一尺を得たり。 六月廿九日、我艦隊の該島に赴くや、洋中に於て吉田中尉は正午、本艦所在を実測し、北緯三十七度四十八分を得、又、午前七時五十分に太陽高度を測りて本艦 所在の東経一百三十度三十二分を得たるに據り、正午経度を推算せり。是より針路を東南二分一、南に變し水程儀を以って測るに、航走二十里、即ち松島を距る 凡そ二里の處に達し、該島の中部を正南に望む。是時又太陽高度を測り本艦所在の経緯を算し、北緯三十七度三十二分四十五秒、東経一百三十度四十九分を得た り。 右の記事は明治十一年、海軍少佐・松村安種、天城艦を以って朝鮮海へ回航の際、其乗員海軍大尉・山澄直淸、海軍少尉補・小林春三、同福地邦実験筆記する所 に係る。今後此地を航する者は、宜しく此に一致する所の海図を参観し、綿密に其状勢を考察せんを要す。 明治十二年三月 海軍水路局 (明治12=1879)



該島は我隠岐を距る北西四分の三、西約一百四十里、朝鮮江原道海岸を距る約八十里、洋中に孤立し全島嵯峨たる円錐形の丘陵集合して、樹木之を蔽う。而して其中心北緯三十七度二十二分、東経一百三十度五十七分、露測に據る。 最高山は高さ四千尺、島の周囲十八里、其形ち殆んど半円に似て其径東微北より西、微南に六里四分 の一、其の両端より海岸線は突然南方に屈折し、逐次に東西に曲り、島の南岬「セール」埼に至る。少しく岸線の出入あり。該岬を離れて一小岩あり。甚だ低 し。沿岸は散布せる岩石夛敷ありと雖も、其北岸及び東岸にあるものは其の高さ或いは四百尺及至五百尺に達するあり、皆該島に以って陡岸なり、而して投鉛し て以って其深浅を戒むに及ばず竹嶼(朝鮮人之を竹島と云う)を除くの外一岩嶼の岸より二鏈牟を出る者なし。竹嶼は此島の近海にて最大にして島の東海岸を距 る。七鏈竹嶼の北方約五鏈に一嶼あり。北方に向て洞穴二個並列す。此嶼の北東に方り約二三鏈の地に礁石一坐あり。近く可かをす「ホール」厳は島の北岸にあり。大なる洞穴あり、又之に臨める陸岸には丘陵あり。滑面禿兀峻険にして其地形笋の如く又筆の如く之を見るに花崗岩ならん。其頂上に葛及苔を装 す。其高さ八百尺。該島の辺海は陡岸にして英艦「アクテオン」号の端舟独り其の水深を探り得たり。又島の南方四里の地にて深さ四百尋、海底に達せす。又島 の北方二里四分の一にて三百六十六尋海底に達せさりしと云う。沿岸には一の港湾なく、然れども好天気には竹嶼の南南西四分の一、西に方る小湾に假泊し、礫 石の濱に上陸するを得るの地あり。蓋し北東風にては縦令ひ軽軟にても甚だ困難なり。該湾は海底峻険二十尋より直ちに十尋となり、岸に接しては六七尋、底質 は皆な砂なり。其他此島の海岸八九は上陸を得るの地なり。該島には樹木多数、槻・桑・椿等あり。槻、最も多し。甚だ僅少の香木あり、又虎斑に類せる。

1883年9月 明治16年地図第四号(「朝鮮国蔚陵島出張檜垣内務少書記官復命ノ件」p11、p12

It had agreement that Ulleungdo is Joseon territory, official negotiation between Japan's Tsushima office and Joseon dynasty. Japan called Ulleungdo as Takeshima竹嶋 on Edo-era. Temporary, Japanese didn't visit Uleungdo-Takeshima. not sure when it was, but some Japanese visit to Ulleungdo again. e.g. Imazu-ya Hachiuemon to manage ilelgal trade with Korean. First time he asked permission to Takeshima-Ulleungdo but refused because Ulleungdo is territory of Korea. So, He had recievd the advice Matusshima (Liancourt Rocks) is okay. But...It was disclosured that he did visited Takeshima Ullengdo for illegal trade again. So he had executed on 1834. They visited four or five times to Ulleungdo, these days said.

The story had maybe recorded by Matsuura-Takeshiro, who is explorer of Japan ,especially Hokkaido and remoted places. He published Takeshim(Ulleungdo) magazine three times on 1850-1870.

On those era there are some people visiting on Ulleungdo. They considred it is Dagelet Matsushima and didnt know it is ulleungdo. It become topics if Japan shuold develop Takeshima Argonaut and Matusshima Dagelet.After some discussion, Japan stop to think inspection and developemnt of Takeshima Argonaut and Matsushima Dagelet because Ulleungdo is territory of Korea. Takeshima is Edo Era's Ulelgndo name, Matusshima is meiji's Ullengdo name so it is Korean Ulluengdo.

Anyway, Japan accepted claims from Korean , Japanese do not visit on Ulleungdo so Japan sent Inspector 檜垣 from their cabinet. At the sam time Joseon's Lee Gyuwon李奎遠 also sent to Ulelungdo for inspection.

There are both maps, Lee Gyuwon and Higaki's Map and it is symentric information. Both of maps there are no description of Liacnourt Rocks.

Each maps therea are some cove, river mouse's unique name each. Checking from Northwest, there are the description e.g. GongAm孔巌「窟大岩」、Stone tower mountain錘峰、Thousand year cove千年浦 and Japan's boat harbour倭船倉 and Gwameumdo観音島. 観音島 was describes as one island, but name is Seommok, it means Mouse's neck 島項 , which implies cape. but it shouw there are strait between Ullengdo and gwaneumdo、観音島Ofcourse, most prominent and biggest adjunctive island of Jukdo Boussole Rock has drawn

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows










1900年06月12日 在釜山 領事官補 赤塚正助 鬱陵島調査槪況및山林調査槪況報告の件の添付圖

On 1883 all the "illegal" Japanese visitor on Ululengdo has withdrawn. After that the fishery agreement between Japan and Korea on 1886, Japanese were allowed to visit on Ulleungdo again. They bring some goods to sell and buy timber on Ulleungdo. There are many illegal timber cutting and some crimes. So Japan send officer again from Busan embassy. At that time, Busan's custom officer La Porte and Daehan Imperial's inspector U Jongton also go there at the same time. THis map was drawn by Akatsuka Japanese inspector on 1900.

U Jong tong had recorded the inspection as Ulleungdo-diary(鬱陵記), altough there are no attached map found yet.

This Japanese had much importance on place of name on Uluengdo, rather than geography details.

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows










U Jongtong禹用鼎 recorded the inspection diary as Uldo-gi,鬱陵記」 without any attached maps. How Readers can understand his inspection without any detailed maps when they read some place of names??? I wonder there are the attachment map by him but they dont show it because there are no Liacnurt Rocks. His report was quoted to the Korean Imperial Edict 41 ,his report of Ulleungdo district information, whicn Liancorut rocks is not incruded.

右 該島가 東溟에 特立야 大陸이 遠隔온바 開國五百四年에 島監을 設置야 島民을 保護고 事務 管掌케  該島監 裵季周의 報牒과 本部視察官 禹用鼎과 東萊稅務司의 視察錄을 參互節査온즉 該地方이 蹤可八十里오 橫爲五十里라 四 圍峭壁에 中有巨山야 自北止南고 間有大川야 深廣이 幾容舟楫고 其土가 沃腴고 其民이 質野야 自數十年來로 民蓄이 蕃殖야 戶數가 爲四百餘家오 墾田이 爲萬餘斗落이라 居民의 一年農作擔包數爻가 藷爲二萬餘包오 大麥이 爲二萬餘包오 黃


統 監府에서 內部에 公函하되 江原道 三陟郡 管下에 所在 鬱陵島에 所属島嶼와 郡廳設始 年月을 示明하라는 故로 答函하되、光武二年五月二十日에 鬱陵島監으로 設始 하였다가 光武四年十月二十五日에 政府會議를 經由하야 郡守를 配置하니 郡廳은 台霞洞에 在하고 該郡所管島는 竹島石島오、東西가 六十里오 南北이 四十里니, 合 二百餘里라고 하였다더라.

Cf:Please check Koreans recognization of Ulluengdo district width.

also check Easternmost terrritoy of Koreas Ulleungdo's Jukdo


To stand-by against Russo-Japan war, Japan established telegram line and watching tower legally, under the treaty between Great Korean Imperial. To check Matsushima-Ullengdo Japan visit Ulluengdo for inspection and draw detailed map. Ulleungdo's watching tower and telegram line is belonging to Sasebo-Branchs, it shows Korean territory, on the otehr hand, Telegram line and watching tower (not built) belonging to Maizuru-branchs, it show It belonging to Japan. About Telegram and the map, Mr Kunitaka Tanaka's website is good to know.

Same with the 1900 map, it describes each small cove's name, two rocks on northwest of Ulleungdo香木亭, Jukam竹巌, Samseon Rocks三本立, Gwameumdo観音崎, and most proinent adjuncitve island of JukdoBoussole Rocks竹島(竹嶼., Jeodong芋洞 and two rocks nearby, Two rocks on southernmost of Ulleugndo called Seal Point国岬, one rocks on Turtle rock亀岩 at Tonggumi通邸尾.

1906.05.26欝陵島見取り図 奥原

On the map there descibed Pyongdo俵島,considered Gong-am(Hole Rock), one standing rock一本立(竹巌)and Three standing arock三本立(三仙巌),Gwaneumdo観音崎(観音島)and most prominent adjunctive island of Jukdo、Jeodong harbour 芋洞の港 and Helmet rocksカブト岩 and standing arocksタチ巌、Seal point and two rocks on 国見崎、Turtle rock亀巌 on 通邸尾

This map, they can judge where is Korean and where is japanese residencial area on Uklugndo、

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows

天府洞チョンブドン (ChonBuDong)

竹岩テバヲ (TeBaWo)

一本立 (IPponDateShima(Te-am))




亭石浦チョントロボ (ChonToroBo)


臥達里ワタリ (WaTaRi)

乃守田ネシダン (NeShiDang)

1908. 8.軍艦松江の鬱陵島測量 竹邊湾至水源端

Precised Ullengdo survey map, maybe naval officer. Gongam,孔巌、Jukam竹巌、Samseon Rocks 三仙巌、Seommok-Gwameumdo 鼠項島Seommok Seom and most prominent adjunctive rock of Jukdo竹嶼Tei-seom(Boussole Rock)

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows

竹岩 (TeNoBao)

竹岩Tei-bau (Tei-bau)

鼠頂島 (SeomMokSom)

竹嶼(Boussole Rk) (Tei Somn)

芋洞Moshike (Moshike)

1909.欝陵島全図 韓国水産誌

Korea fishery magazine's attached maps.

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows

天府洞チョンプートン (ChonPuTong)

竹岩テノバオ (TeNoBao)

竹岩テノバオ (TeNoBao)


鼠頂島 (SeomMokSom)

亭石浦チョンポドン (ChonPoDong)


乃守田ネーシユデン (Ne-SiyuDeng)

1917.1918総督府地圖 鬱陵島

Joseon Sotokufu's detailed survey map and it gives much small information.

Placemark on northeast of Ullungdo are as follows

天府洞チョンプートン (ChonPuTong)

竹岩チュクアム (Chuk-Amam)

一本立島(竹岩テーアム) (IPponDateShima(Te-am))

三本立 (SanBon-Date)

周峰ツルボン (Tsuru-Bong)

観音島クッスムトー (KuSsumu-To)

鳥項ソムオキチュ?- (SeomOkiChu?)

石圃洞ソクボドン (Sok-Bo-Dong)

竹島チュクト- (Chuk-TO)

臥達里ワ-タルリ (Wa-TaruRi)

内守田ネースージョン (NeSuJong)