Proyecto para los veranos

These two summer assignments are mandatory:

- The challenging endeavor of studying a foreign language required commitment and practice.

- It is vital that students maintain what they have already learned by engaging with Spanish over the summer.

- To retain learning gains, rising 11th graders will complete the following two (2) summer assignments:

Actividad número uno (1):

"Target Language Contact Log"

"Crédito extra" (optional):

-Complete "crédito extra" assignments & log them as target language contacts:


- For an assignment to count as a Target Language Contact & Extra credit, Canvas submission must:

Actividad número dos (2): 

Repaso de vocabulario

- Review—on daily basis—vocabulary learned in PIBS Spanish I & PIBS Spanish II.

- Electronic flashcards are available online:

- Students can expect an exam on these words during the first or second week of school.