
Title: Contrast

Rating: PG

Word count: 100 (drabble)

Pairing: Merlin/Arthur

Summary: Arthur ponders Merlin's touch.

Notes/Warnings: First Merlin writing. Be gentle.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything at all and I certainly don't make any money from writing this.

Beta: PrelocAndKanar! A grammar god and my dear friend. :o)

Link to this drabble on AO3.

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It was the contrast, Arthur decided, that made it so intense. After a full day of parrying blows and being slammed with shields, getting chafed by his practice gear; which never fit quite right over the shoulders, and twisting his back to avoid the swings of swords almost grazing his chest, he would have thought his body was simply too desensitized to register anything less than a punch in the gut.

But when, in the evening, Merlin's soft hands would straighten his bandages and maybe intentionally brush his skin, Arthur would shiver and bark at Merlin to shut the window.
