A Quick Kiss

Title: A Quick Kiss.

Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Pairings: Garak/Bashir.

Rating: PG

Warnings: None.

Beta: Not for this one.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Some geezers in the movie and television industries do. Damn them.

Summary: Drabble (100 words) about Julian stopping by for a quick kiss.

Link to this drabble on AO3.

Garak looked up from the seam he was adjusting, to see the doctor bouncing into the tailor shop.

“Julian, what are you doing here? I thought you had three more hours left in the inf-”

He was cut off by soft lips crashing into his own over the cutting table. Before he decided if he should object or just enjoy it, the kiss ended and his lover practically ran out of the shop again.

Watching Julian making his way back across the promenade to the infirmary, Garak shook his head and murmured to himself:


But he couldn't help smiling.