Scabs and Scales

Title: Scabs And Scales.

Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Pairings: Garak/Bashir.

Rating: PG

Beta: Nope.

Feedback: Yes please.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Some geezers in the movie and television industries do. Damn them.

Summary: Drabble (100 words). It's the couples' grooming thing.

Link to this drabble on AO3.

“Garak, what are you doing?”

Cold fingers pinched and squeezed Julian's shoulder from behind.

“This scab is lose. I'm removing it for you.”

Pulling away from the pinching, Julian grumbled:

“Well don't. It'll fall off soon by itself.”

Garak frowned.

“Into the bed? That's disgusting!”

Flipping over, Julian hid his shoulder from his bedmate, putting an end to the unpleasant grooming.

“And all the scales you shed-?”

“-Are perfectly natural.”

“So is this!”

Huffing, Garak retorted:

“It's disgusting, and I refuse to sleep in human waste products!”

“Then don't!”

Without warning, Garak pounced and forcibly removed the offending scab.