業績  |  Publications

著書及び総説 (Books and Reviews)

22. 黒岩麻里 ニホンウズラ (Coturnix japonica) を用いた発現様式に性的二型がみられる遺伝子の発現プロファイリング (2021) 比較内分泌学 46(174):1-4.

21. Kuroiwa A. Sex determination and differentiation in birds. “Reproductive and Developmental Strategies; the Continuity of Life” (eds: Kobayashi K, Kitano T, Iwao Y, Kondo M), Springer Japan (Tokyo). 2018.

20. Kuroiwa A. Sex-determining mechanism in avian. “Avian Reproduction: From Behavior to Molecules” (ed: Sasanami T), Springer Japan (Tokyo). 2017.

19. 黒岩麻里 Yをもたない不思議な哺乳類ートゲネズミ.連載「私の実験動物、やっぱり個性派です!」(2018) 実験医学 36(11):1938-1941.

18. 黒岩麻里 特集II-6 消えるのかY染色体ーY染色体を失った哺乳類.(2016) 生物の科学 遺伝 70(5):409-414.

17. 黒岩麻里 鳥類の性決定と性成熟. “ホルモンから見た生命現象と進化シリーズ 第3巻 成長・成熟・性決定 — 継 —” 日本比較内分泌学会編,

裳華房 (東京). 2016年5月1日初版1刷発行.

16. 黒岩麻里. 男の弱まりー消えゆくY染色体の運命ー. ポプラ社 2016年1月5日初版1刷発行.

15. 黒岩麻里. Y染色体の運命やいかに―Yはどこまで遺伝子の数を減らせるか. (2014) 科学 84(7):768-70.

14. 黒岩麻里. トゲネズミーYなくしてオスがうまれる. (2014) 生物工学会誌 92(11):630-1.

13. 黒岩麻里. 消えゆくY染色体と男たちの運命ーオトコの生物学ー. 学研メディカル秀潤社 2014年3月7日初版1刷発行.

12. 黒岩麻里. XIST導入とダウン症治療ー染色体治療最前線ー. (2013) 実験医学 31(19):3088.

11. 黒岩麻里.  Y染色体は本当になくなる? (2013) 細胞工学 32(2):170-171.

10: The evolution of the mammalian Y chromosome. (2012) Kuroiwa A. Chrosome Science. 15(3&4):61-69.

  9. The fate of the Y chromosome. Kuroiwa A. "Sex Chromosomes: New Research" (eds: Mario D'Aquino & Vincente Stallone) Nova Publisher's Inc. (New York). 2012

  8. 黒岩麻里. Y染色体をもたない哺乳類の性決定メカニズム. (2012) 生化学84(11):931-934.

  7. 黒岩麻里. Y染色体の運命ートゲネズミを用いたY染色体進化研究ー. (2011) 日本受精着床学会雑誌 28(2):319-323.

  6. 生物多様性の基礎知識. 黒岩麻里. (草刈秀紀 編著) 日刊工業新聞社 2010年8月25日初版1刷発行.

  5. Kuroiwa A. “Unique and interesting sex chromosome evolution in Tokudaia.” The Wild Mammals of Japan. (ed. Ohdachi SD, Ishibashi Y, Iwasa MA, Saitoh T) Mammalogical Society of Japan. (2009).

  4. 黒岩麻里. Y染色体を失ったほ乳類、トゲネズミ. (2009) 生物の科学 遺伝 63:15-19.

  3. 黒岩麻里、松田洋一. 鳥類における遺伝子量補正機構研究. (2003) 蛋白質・核酸・酵素 48:1934-1939.

  2. 黒岩麻里、松田洋一 . (1999) FISH 法を用いた染色体マッピング、別冊実験医学、non-RI 実験の最新プロトコール、編集:栗原靖之、武内恒成、松田洋一、pp. 92-98、羊土社、東京.

  1. 松田洋一 、黒岩麻里. FISH 法を用いた染色体マッピング (1998) アニテックス 10:20-24.

原著論文 (Original papers)

81: Identification of a new enhancer that promotes Sox9 expression by a comparative analysis of mouse and Sry-deficient Amami spiny rat. Hirata Y, Mizushima S, Mitsukawa S, Kon M, Kuroki Y, Jogahara T, Shinohara N, Kuroiwa A. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2024 doi: 10.1159/000536408. 

80: Chromosomal-level assembly of Tokudaia osimensis, Tokudaia tokunoshimensis, and Tokudaia muenninki genomes. Okuno M, Mochimaru Y, Matsuoka K, Yamabe T, Matiz-Ceron L, Jogahara T, Toyoda A, Kuroiwa A, Itoh T. Sci Data. 2023 10(1):927.

79: Diethylstilbestrol reduces primordial germ cells in male Japanese quail. Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A. Poultry Science, 2023 102(10):102910.

78: The neo-X does not form a Barr body but shows a slightly condensed structure in the Okinawa spiny rat (Tokudaia muenninki). Kudo R, Yoshida I, Ceron LM, Mizushima S,  Kuroki Y,  Jogahara T, Kuroiwa A. Cytogenet Genome Res, 2023 162(11-12):632-643. 

77: Current Approaches to and the Application of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) for Avian Genome Editing. Mizushima S, Sasanami T, Ono T, Kuroiwa A. Genes (Basel). 2023 14(3):757. 

76: Turnover of mammal sex chromosomes in the Sry-deficient Amami spiny rat is due to male-specific upregulation of Sox9. Terao M+, Ogawa Y+, Takada S, Kajitani R, Okuno M, Mochimaru Y, Matsuoka K, Itoh T, Toyoda A, Kono T, Jogahara T, Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A (+equally contribution).  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2022 119(49):e2211574119. 

75: Analysis of Sex Chromosome Evolution in the Clade Palaeognathae from Phased Genome Assembly. Okuno M, Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A, Itoh T.  Genome Biol Evol,  2021 Nov 5;13(11): evab242. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evab242.

74: Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-1 and -3 and ryanodine receptor-3 may increase ooplasmic Ca2+ during quail egg activation. Shusei Mizushima, Tomohiro Sasanami, Tamao Ono, Norio Kansaku, Asato Kuroiwa. The Journal of Poultry Science, 2022 59(2): 175-181

73: Cyclin D1 gene expression is essential for cell cycle progression from the maternal-to-zygotic transition during blastoderm development in Japanese quail. Mizushima S, Sasanami T, Ono T, Matsuzaki M, Kansaku N, Kuroiwa A. Dev Biol. 2021 476:249-258. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2021.04.005. 

72: Diversification of mineralocorticoid receptor genes in a subterranean rodent, the naked mole-rat. Oka K, Bono H, Kuroiwa A, Fujioka S, Shimizu A, Katsu Y, Miura K. J Mol Endocrinol. 2021 66(4):299-311. doi: 10.1530/JME-20-0325.

71: Expression profiling of sexually dimorphic genes in the Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica.Okuno  M*, Miyamoto M*, Itoh T, Seki M, Suzuki Y, Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A. Sci Rep. 2020 10(1):20073. * Equally contribution.

70: トクノシマトゲネズミ(Tokudaia tokunoshimensis)の生息記録と2005年~2016年の分布.城ヶ原貴通, 中家雅隆, 池村茂, 越本知大, 坂本信介, 橋本琢磨, 三谷匡, 黒岩麻里, 山田文雄.哺乳類科学 60(1) 105-116, 2020年1月.

69: Regulation of the Sox3 gene in XO/XO mammal without Sry, the Amami spiny rat, Tokudaia osimensis. Washio K, Mizushima S, Jogahara T, Kuroiwa A. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2019 159(3):143-150. 

68: Spiny rat SRY lacks a long Q-rich domain and is not stable in transgenic mice. Ogata Y, Nishikata M, Kitada K, Mizushima S, Jogahara T, Kuroiwa A. Dev Dyn. 2019 248(9):784-794. 

67: Sexual dimorphism in brain transcriptomes of Amami spiny rats (Tokudaia osimensis): a rodent species where males lack the Y chromosome. Ortega MT, Bivens NJ, Jogahara T, Kuroiwa A, Givan SA, Rosenfeld CS. BMC Genomics. 2019 20(1):87. 

66: Knockdown of DDX4 decreases the number of germ cells in male and female chicken embryonic gonads. Aduma N, Izumi H, Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2018 31(5):847-854.

65: Sex-Determining Mechanism in Avians. Kuroiwa A. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017 1001:19-31.

64: Unique XCI evolution in Tokudaia: Initial XCI of the neo-X chromosome in Tokudaia muenninki and function loss of XIST in Tokudaia osimensis. Zhushi H, Murata C, Nishida C, Mizushima S, Kuroiwa A. Chromosoma. 2017 126(6):741-751.

63: Flexible adaptation of male germ cells from female iPS cells of endangered Tokudaia osimensis. Honda A, Choijookhuu N, Izu H, Kawano Y, Inokuchi M, Honsho K, Lee A-R, Nabekura H, Ohta H, Tsukiyama T, Ohinata Y, Kuroiwa A, Hishikawa Y, Saitou M, Jogahara T,  Koshimoto C. Science Advances. 2017 3: e1602179.

62: Androgens and androgen receptor signaling contribute to ovarian development in the chicken embryo. Tanaka R, Izumi H, Kuroiwa A. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2017 Jan;443:114-120.

61: Molecular mechanism of male differentiation is conserved in the SRY-absent mammal, Tokudaia osimensis. Otake T, Kuroiwa A. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 9;6:32874.

60: Ancestral Y-linked genes were maintained by translocation to the X and Y chromosomes fused to an autosomal pair in the Okinawa spiny rat, Tokudaia muenninki. Murata C, Kuroki Y, Imoto I, Kuroiwa A. Chromosome Res, 2016 Sep;24(3):407-19.

59: The cryptic Y-autosome translocation in the small Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus, revealed by molecular cytogenetic approaches. Murata C, Sawaya H, Nakata K, Yamada F, Imoto I, Kuroiwa A. Chromosoma. 2016 Sep;125(4):807-15.

58: Initiation of recombination suppression and PAR formation during the early stages of neo-sex chromosome differentiation in the Okinawa spiny rat, Tokudaia muenninki. Murata C, Kuroki Y, Imoto I, Tsukahara M, Ikejiri N, Kuroiwa A. BMC Evol Biol. 2015 Oct 29;15:234.

57: Mutations in the testis-specific enhancer of SOX9 in the SRY independent sex-determining mechanism in the genus Tokudaia. Kimura R, Murata C, Kuroki Y, Kuroiwa A. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 29;9(9):e108779.

56: Over-expression of DMRT1 induces the male pathway in embryonic chicken gonads. Lambeth LS, Raymond CS, Roeszler KN, Kuroiwa A, Nakata T, Zarkower D, Smith CA. Dev Biol. 2014 May 15;389(2):160-72.

55: Construction of Chromosome Markers from the Lake Victoria Cichlid Paralabidochromis chilotes and Their Application to Comparative Mapping. Kuroiwa A, Terai Y, Kobayashi N, Yoshida K, Suzuki M, Nakanishi A, Matsuda Y, Watanabe M, Okada N. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2013 142(2):112-20.

54: Chicken hemogen homolog is involved in the chicken-specific sex-determining mechanism. Nakata T, Ishiguro M, Aduma N, Izumi H, Kuroiwa A. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 26;110(9):3417-22.

53: The Y chromosome of the Okinawa spiny rat, Tokudaia muenninki, was rescued through fusion with an autosome. Murata C, Yamada F, Kawauchi N, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A. Chromosome Res. 2012 Jan;20(1):111-25.

52: Inhibition of the binding of MSG-intermolt-specific complex, MIC, to the sericin-1 gene promoter and sericin-1 gene expression by POU-M1/SGF-3. Kimoto M, Kitagawa T, Kobayashi I, Nakata T, Kuroiwa A, Takiya S. Dev Genes Evol. 2012 Nov;222(6):351-9.

51: B chromosomes have a functional effect on female sex determination in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes. Yoshida K, Terai Y, Mizoiri S, Aibara M, Nishihara H, Watanabe M, Kuroiwa A, Hirai H, Hirai Y, Matsuda Y, Okada N.PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug;7(8):e1002203. Epub 2011 Aug 18.

50: Additional copies of CBX2 in the genomes of males of mammals lacking SRY, the Amami spiny rat (Tokudaia osimensis) and the Tokunoshima spiny rat (Tokudaia tokunoshimensis). Kuroiwa A, Handa S, Nishiyama C, Chiba E, Yamada F, Abe S, Matsuda Y. Chromosome Res. 2011 Jul;19(5):635-44. Epub 2011 Jun 8.

49: A primer set to determine sex in the small Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus. Murata C, Ogura G, Kuroiwa A. Mol Ecol Resour. 2011 Mar;11(2):386-8.

48: The process of a Y-loss event in an XO/XO mammal, the Ryukyu spiny rat. Kuroiwa A, Ishiguchi Y, Yamada F, Shintaro A, Matsuda Y. Chromosoma 2010 Oct;119(5):519-26.

47: Multiple copies of SRY on the large Y chromosome of the Okinawa spiny rat, Tokudaia muenninki. Murata C, Yamada F, Kawauchi N, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A. Chromosome Res. 2010 Sep;18(6):623-34.

46: Rediscovery After Thirty Years Since the Last Capture of the Critically Endangered Okinawa Spiny Rat Tokudaia muenninki in the Northern Part of Okinawa Island. Yamada F, Kawauchi N, Nakata K, Abe S, Kotaka N, Takashima A, Murata C, Kuroiwa A/ Mammal Study 2010;35:243-255.

45: No final answers yet on sex determination in birds. Kuroiwa A. Nature 2009 Nov 5;462(7269):34.

44: Centoromere repositioning in the X chromosome of XO/XO mammals, Ryukyu spiny rat. Kobayashi T, Yamada F, Hashimoto T, Abe S, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A. Chromosome Res. 2008;16(4):587-93.

43: Comparative chromosome painting map between two Ryukyu spiny rat species, Tokudaia osimensis and Tokudaia tokunoshimensis (Muridae, Rodentia). Nakamura T, Kuroiwa A, Nishida-Umehara C, Matsubara K, Yamada F, Matsuda Y. Chromosome Res. 2007;15(6):799-806.

42: Sakai C, Konno F, Nakano O, Iwai T, Yokota T, Lee J, Nishida-Umehara C, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Yamashita M Chromosome elimination in the interspecific hybrid medaka between Oryzias latipes and O. hubbsi. Chromosome Res. 2007;15(6):697-709.

41: Kobayashi T, Yamada F, Hashimoto T, Abe S, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A. Exceptional minute sex-specific region in the X0 mammal, Ryukyu spiny rat. Chromosome Res. 2007;15(2):175-87.

40: Muto M, Fujimori A, Nenoi M, Daino K, Matsuda Y, Kuroiwa A, Kubo E, Kanari Y, Utsuno M, Tsuji H, Ukai H, Mita K, Takahagi M, Tatsumi K. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Human Radiosusceptibility Gene, NP95. Radiat Res. 2006 Nov;166(5):723-33.

39: Scott LA, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Wichman HA. X accumulation of LINE-1 retrotransposons in Tokudaia osimensis, a spiny rat with the karyotype XO. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2006;112(3-4):261-9.

38: Inazu T, Myint Z, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Noguchi T. Molecular cloning, expression and chromosomal localization of mouse MM-1. Mol Biol Rep. 2005 Dec;32(4):273-9.

37: Matsuda Y, Nishida-Umehara C, Tarui H, Kuroiwa A, Yamada K, Isobe T, Ando J, Fujiwara A, Hirao Y, Nishimura O, Ishijima J, Hayashi A, Saito T, Murakami T, Murakami Y, Kuratani S, Agata K. Highly conserved linkage homology between birds and turtles: bird and turtle chromosomes are precise counterparts of each other. Chromosome Res. 2005;13(6):601-15. Epub 2005 Sep 21.

36: Inazu T, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Miyamoto K. Cloning, expression and chromosomal assignment of human pleckstrin 2. Mol Biol Rep. 2005 Mar;32(1):35-40.

35: Habuchi H, Miyake G, Nogami K, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Kusche-Gullberg M, Habuchi O, Tanaka M, Kimata K. Biosynthesis of heparan sulphate with diverse structures and functions: Two alternatively spliced forms of human heparan sulphate 6-O-sulphotransferase-2 having different expression patterns and properties. Biochem J. 2003;371,131-142

34: Yotsumoto K, Okoshi Y, Shibuya K, Yamazaki S, Tahara-Hanaoka S, Honda S, Osawa M, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Tenen DG, Iwama A, Nakauchi H, Shibuya A. Paired activating and inhibitory immunoglobulin-like receptors, MAIR-I and MAIR-II, regulate mast cell and macrophage activation. J Exp Med. 2003 Jul 21;198(2):223-33.

33: Kurihara Y, Tokuriki M, Myojin R, Hori T, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Sakurai T, Kimura M, Hecht NB, Uesugi S. CPEB2, a novel putative translational regulator in mouse haploid germ cells. Biol Reprod. 2003 Jul;69(1):261-8. Epub 2003 Apr 2.

32: Matsubara K, Nishida-Umehara C, Kuroiwa A, Tsuchiya K, Matsuda Y. Identification of chromosome rearrangements between the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) and the Indian spiny mouse (Mus platythrix) by comparative FISH analysis. Chromosome Res. 2003;11(1):57-64.

31: Kato R, Nonami A, Taketomi T, Wakioka T, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Yoshimura A. Molecular cloning of mammalian Spred-3 which suppresses tyrosine kinase-mediated Erk activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Mar 21;302(4):767-72.

30: Kuroiwa A, Yokomine T, Sasaki H, Tsudzuki M, Tanaka K, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Biallelic expression of Z-linked genes in male chickens. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2002;99(1-4):310-4.

29: Kuroiwa A, Uchikawa M, Kamachi Y, Kondoh H, Nishida-Umehara C, Masabanda J, Griffin DK, Matsuda Y. Chromosome assignment of eight SOX family genes in chicken. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2002;98(2-3):189-93.

28: Nakanishi T, Kuroiwa A, Yamada S, Isotani A, Yamashita A, Tairaka A, Hayashi T, Takagi T, Ikawa M, Matsuda Y, Okabe M. FISH analysis of 142 EGFP transgene integration sites into the mouse genome. Genomics. 2002 Dec;80(6):564-74.

27: Habuchi H, Miyake G, Nogami K, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Kusche-Gullberg M, Habuchi O, Tanaka M, Kimata K. Biosynthesis of heparan sulphate with diverse structures and functions: two alternatively spliced forms of human heparan sulphate 6-O-sulphotransferase-2 having different expression patterns and properties. Biochem J. 2003 Apr 1;371(Pt 1):131-42.

26: Yoshikawa M, Yabuuchi H, Kuroiwa A, Ikegami Y, Sai Y, Tamai I, Tsuji A, Matsuda Y, Yoshida H, Ishikawa T. Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of the mouse ATP-binding cassette transporter Abcg4. Gene. 2002 Jun 26;293(1-2):67-75.

25: Nishimura H, Kim E, Fujimori T, Kashiwabara S, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Baba T. The ADAM1a and ADAM1b genes, instead of the ADAM1 (fertilin alpha) gene, are localized on mouse chromosome 5. Gene. 2002 May 29;291(1-2):67-76.

24: Kuroiwa A, Tsuchiya K, Matsubara K, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Construction of comparative cytogenetic maps of the Chinese hamster to mouse, rat and human. Chromosome Res. 2001;9(8):641-8.

23: Ohhata T, Araki R, Fukumura R, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Abe M. Cloning, genomic structure and chromosomal localization of the gene encoding mouse DNA helicase RECQL5beta. Gene. 2001 Dec 12;280(1-2):59-66.

22: Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Kimura T, Yomogida K, Kuroiwa A, Tadokoro Y, Fujita Y, Sato M, Matsuda Y, Nakano T. Two mouse piwi-related genes: miwi and mili. Mech Dev. 2001 Oct;108(1-2):121-33.

21: Matsubara K, Ishikawa A, Kuroiwa A, Nagase T, Nomura N, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Comparative FISH mapping of human cDNA clones to chromosomes of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus, Insectivora). Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;93(3-4):258-62.

20: Kotani K, Kuroiwa A, Saito T, Matsuda Y, Koda T, Kijimoto-Ochiai S. Cloning, chromosomal mapping, and characteristic 5'-UTR sequence of murine cytosolic sialidase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Aug 17;286(2):250-8.

19: Horie K, Kuroiwa A, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Kondoh G, Matsuda Y, Takeda J. Efficient chromosomal transposition of a Tc1/mariner- like transposon Sleeping Beauty in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jul 31;98(16):9191-6.

18: Yokomine T, Kuroiwa A, Tanaka K, Tsudzuki M, Matsuda Y, Sasaki H. Sequence polymorphisms, allelic expression status and chromosome locations of the chicken IGF2 and MPR1 genes. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;93(1-2):109-13.

17: Koike M, Kuroiwa A, Koike A, Shiomi T, Matsuda Y. Expression and chromosome location of hamster Ku70 and Ku80. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;93(1-2):52-6.

16: Kuroiwa A, Matsubara K, Nagase T, Nomura N, Seong JK, Ishikawa A, Anunciado RV, Tanaka K, Yamagata T, Masangkay JS, Dang VB, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Chromosomal mapping of 18S-28S rRNA genes and 10 cDNA clones of human chromosome 1 in the musk shrew (Suncus murinus). J Hered. 2001 May-Jun;92(3):282-7.

15: Ogura K, Matsumoto K, Kuroiwa A, Isobe T, Otoguro T, Jurecic V, Baldini A, Matsuda Y, Ogura T. Cloning and chromosome mapping of human and chicken Iroquois (IRX) genes. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;92(3-4):320-5.

14: Baba T, Mimura J, Gradin K, Kuroiwa A, Watanabe T, Matsuda Y, Inazawa J, Sogawa K, Fujii-Kuriyama Y. Structure and expression of the Ah receptor repressor gene. J Biol Chem. 2001 Aug 31;276(35):33101-10. Epub 2001 Jun 21.

13: Kuroiwa A, Suto F, Fujisawa H, Matsuda Y. Chromosome assignment of four plexin A genes (Plxna1, Plxna2, Plxna3, Plxna4) in mouse, rat, Syrian hamster and Chinese hamster. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2001;92(1-2):127-9.

12: Kuroiwa A, Tsuchiya K, Watanabe T, Hishigaki H, Takahashi E, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Conservation of the rat X chromosome gene order in rodent species. Chromosome Res. 2001;9(1):61-7.

11: Ohhata T, Araki R, Fukumura R, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Tatsumi K, Abe M. Cloning, genomic structure and chromosomal localization of the gene encoding mouse DNA helicase RecQ helicase protein-like 4. Gene. 2000 Dec 31;261(2):251-8.

10: Okuda T, Mita S, Yamauchi S, Matsubara T, Yagi F, Yamamori D, Fukuta M, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Habuchi O. Molecular cloning, expression, and chromosomal mapping of human chondroitin 4-sulfotransferase, whose expression pattern in human tissues is different from that of chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase. J Biochem (Tokyo). 2000 Nov;128(5):763-70.

9: Fukada M, Watakabe I, Yuasa-Kawada J, Kawachi H, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Noda M. Molecular characterization of CRMP5, a novel member of the collapsin response mediator protein family. J Biol Chem. 2000 Dec 1;275(48):37957-65.

8: Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Okajima T, Furukawa K. Assignment of human xylosylprotein beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase gene (B4GALT7) to human chromosome 5q35.2-->q35.3 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 2000;89(1-2):8-9. No abstract available.

7: Yoshimura T, Suzuki Y, Makino E, Suzuki T, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Namikawa T, Ebihara S. Molecular analysis of avian circadian clock genes. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2000 May 31;78(1-2):207-15.

6: Aso T, Yamazaki K, Amimoto K, Kuroiwa A, Higashi H, Matsuda Y, Kitajima S, Hatakeyama M. Identification and characterization of Elongin A2, a new member of the Elongin family of transcription elongation factors, specifically expressed in the testis. J Biol Chem. 2000 Mar 3;275(9):6546-52.

5: Suzuki T, Kurosaki T, Shimada K, Kansaku N, Kuhnlein U, Zadworny D, Agata K, Hashimoto A, Koide M, Koike M, Takata M, Kuroiwa A, Minai S, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Cytogenetic mapping of 31 functional genes on chicken chromosomes by direct R-banding FISH. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1999;87(1-2):32-40.

4: Kuroiwa A, Watanabe T, Hishigaki H, Takahashi E, Namikawa T, Matsuda Y. Comparative FISH mapping of mouse and rat homologues of twenty-five human X-linked genes. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1998;81(3-4):208-12.

3: Yan J, Kuroyanagi H, Kuroiwa A, Matsuda Y, Tokumitsu H, Tomoda T, Shirasawa T, Muramatsu M. Identification of mouse ULK1, a novel protein kinase structurally related to C. elegans UNC-51. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 May 8;246(1):222-7.

2: Kuroiwa A, Yamashita Y, Inui M, Yuasa T, Ono M, Nagabukuro A, Matsuda Y, Takai T. Association of tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, inositol 5-phosphatase SHIP with gp49B1, and chromosomal assignment of the gene. J Biol Chem. 1998 Jan 9;273(2):1070-4.

1: Yoshimura T, Nagabukuro A, Matsuda Y, Suzuki T, Kuroiwa A, Iigo M, Namikawa T, Ebihara S. Chromosomal mapping of the gene encoding serotonin N-acetyltransferase to rat chromosome 10q32.3 and mouse chromosome 11E2. Cytogenet Cell Genet. 1997;79(3-4):172-5