Standing Hukm

Post date: 29-Dec-2008 10:03:25

Get Born through Assa de Vaar

  1. Name Yourself Upright PenPal^^^^^^^^^ Demonstrative Khalsa Shabad Singh Jpu
    1. Reach his Home so dar so ghar
    2. Marry Up with Khalsa so Purkhu i.e. Khalsa
    3. Enjoy the bliss of the Meeting Anand
  2. Elope with Kalsa Sohila


  1. 1Obey these Orders 2 Nagate Not Proposals 3Motivate / Challange Staying Carefree
  2. 4 Write Ideas 5Publish them 6 Take No Nonsense 7 Train Seekers
  3. 8 Raise 9Smile 10Stay 1Face
    1. 12Receive 13Read 14Reply 15Call 16Decide


  1. 17pandgundas
  2. 18pandmundas
  3. 19AngSnges


  1. 20Seeds
  2. 22Ideas
  3. 23Patience
  4. 24Responsibility
  5. 25Work
  6. 26