
Post date: Sep 05, 2012 5:7:24 AM

New: A context menu item "Load # Blocked Elements" lets you quickly load all embeds, objects, videos, and images that were blocked just once.

New: The page selector will now display the number of items blocked and allowed next to the URL.

Changed: Improved animation on settings page prevents flickering.

Changed: Increased display speed of new poppies when an existing poppy is already open. The new poppy will start instantly instead of waiting for the existing one to be removed.

Changed: Use Mutation Observers instead of DOMNodeInserted.

Changed: Moved Quick Add settings to Rules.

Fix: Corrected height of actions bar in rule list when using a large font.

Fix: Settings page now uses the correct font.

Fix: Resolves an issue where rules were not exported into a full backup.