
Post date: Feb 26, 2012 9:43:38 PM

New: An improved simplified interface makes JS Blocker even easier to use. In simple mode, all you have to do is confirm that you want to block or allow a host by clicking on a button twice. No more "Adding a Rule" popups or alerts with which rules will be disabled/deleted.

New: In expert mode, when prompted to delete a rule, you now have the option of instead creating a new, high-priority rule to allow/block a specific script. This allows one to allow/block select scripts from a host while still blocking/allowing every other script from it by default. You can even easily override whitelist/blacklist rules for any webpage!

New/Changed/Fixed: When creating automatic rules or adding a rule in simple mode, HTTPS is now respected; rules aren't created with "https?:\/\/" anymore.

New: Added a button to reinstall whitelist and blacklist rules to the rule listing page.

Changed: Improved wording for automatic rules settings and interface for deleting/restoring rules.

Changed: New styling for disabled automatic rules helps improve readability.

Changed: Code optimizations. No longer creates rule regexp if not needed.

Changed: Removed disclaimer from main window. It is now only on the homepage of this website.

Fix: Editing a rule now selects the correct rule type.

Fix: When viewing a script's source, the URL displayed in the header is no longer displayed under the two buttons.

Fix: Resolves a long-standing issue where clicking on a button may shift the display.