Psalm 27: The Lord is my Light / I believe... / O Christ, our Hope

Ps27TheLordIsMyLight: Responsorial psalm setting for 2nd Sunday of Lent (C) and Monday of Holy Week, updated 3-5-2022.

Demo of pre-tweaked version (about demos)

Ps27TheLordIsMyLight3A: Responsorial psalm setting for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A). Robo-demo (melody and chords) Robo-demo (voice only)

Ps27MyLight-Ibelieve, in memory of beloved Jane Griep, has different text and music for verses 3 and 4. Without verse 3, it's the psalm for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (A). Both antiphons are for either funerals or All Souls Day.

"The Lord is my Light" recording (pre-tweaked version); "I believe that I shall see" demo (also pre-tweak)

Ps27ChristOurHope: Adaptation of the above with antiphon for possible use as processional
