Psalm 1: Hope in the Lord / Light of life

Ps1HopeInTheLord: Responsorial psalm setting for Thursday, 2nd week, Lent and 6th Sunday, Ordinary Time (C). Let the text guide your timing, especially in the verses.

LentenGospelAcclSLG20180301: Matching gospel acclamation, using one of the less common options. See background at CCwatershed, OCP, and Catholic-Resources sites.

Ps1LightOfLife: Responsorial psalm setting for Wednesday, 28th week, Ordinary Time, Year II, updated from Ps1HopeInTheLord and with new antiphon, dedicated to Msgr. Royale Vadakin and Msgr. James Loughnane

AlleluiaOrd28W2: Matching alleluia
