Staubfanger!!! - Author: JDMay

Today (October/2008) as I was walking through DM - a German Drug Store - I watched a slender, lanky woman eying and stalking a display filled with little Silvery Angel Statuettes. Perhaps it was her vulture-like movements or perhaps it was the giant mole between her eyes; regardless, I stood and watched with horrid fascination.

After a few moments I realized that I was staring, completely shocked, and completely unnoticed by the woman whom was stand directly in front of me less that 2 meters away.

Befuddled, and trying to recollect my composure I asked myself: "Why is this so strange, where do I know this?"

The answer came.

Jacob's Rachel!!! she stole Laban's Teraphim - his little household Idols....

Turns out that in Genesis 31:17-35 records the story of how Jacob flees from his stepfather Laban with all possessions and family, and that in the process his dearest wife steals all the pretty little household idols that would have be loving displayed in her father's dwellings, and how she subsequently covers-up the crime from both Jacob and her father in quite a devious way, foiling Jacob's curse of death to anyone found with the Teraphim... Unfortunately, the most high G-d sees and as the Rabbi's tell us, Rachel is eventually punished by way of an early death.

So, for me it was clear - "Staubfaengers" are evil!!!!