General Website Information

As you might have noticed, the Website is rather darkish. I guess this must go back to my childhood when Jimmy Carter was playing President. As I recall, even then my mother was a news fanatic and during dinner we always watched the evening news and even stayed tuned in for the international segment. Somewhere in between the fiasco with the helicopters chocking on sand somewhere in the desert and Sadat getting shot for trying to be a human being, Carter's conservation of energy policies made a permanent impression on my young, malleable mind.... ever since then my parent's have yelling at me for turning out the lights, turning the heater down, and hanging my clothes to dry. In fact, as I sit here typing on my computer there is not a single light on in the house and the window shades are 1/2 down on this gray, windy fall day here in Eusserthal, Germany. My mother always says that me & my family and my brother & his family "Live in Caves". That's normally just before she flips on all the lights as we shriek & hiss and hide our eyes behind our clawed arms from the glaring light....

Anyway, being an environmental scientist I feel it is my responsibility to try to help preserve the environment and a large part of that is conserving energy. One simple way - which also reduces eye-stain is to use reverse colours on your computer and darken your screen, an perfect example would be: - this is a negative image version of "Google Search" which helps saves energy.

In the spirit of lowering environmental impact and saving energy, you will find several useful internal & external links and papers below:

External Links - Alliance to Save Energy (you'll notice their pages are not negative image). - US Dept. of Energy.

Internal Links

Environmental Statement - My personal beliefs and rationalities for preserving our environment.

Note: as always, all documents and materials are either personal or transcribed from the Internet and are free to download for your personal use. All .pdf's are prepared by myself, but maybe from other authors. In this case utmost attention has been paid that original author receives full credit and that the original source maybe found. It is not my intent to serve as an outlet to distribute copyright protected material for free. If I have made a mistake, please contact me so that I might remove the material immediately.