Environmental Statement - Author: JDMay

OK, this might be confusing - but slowly I'll explain myself:

Let's start with a question - "Does it make ecological sense to buy an BIO-Banana in December in Germany?"

In Germany I have many friends whom will drive an extra 15 kilometers to buy ECO/BIO Products. Often they will pay up to 3 times as much money, and when they get home they must throw away 1/2 the produce because it is rotten. They justify this expense because it saves the environment: "Hauptsache BIO". Unfortunately, their actions and choices often cause more harm than good. Consider the following:

    • How much CO2 does one release into the atmosphere by driving an extra 15 kilometers?

    • Bananas do not grow in Germany, can one have an ECO product that is transport from 1/2 way around the Globe?

    • If 1/2 of a product must be thrown away, you need to produce twice as much product. Assuming one saves 30 % of the CO2 produced by a non-ECO product, can you figure out the math?

    • How many trees can one save if instead of paying 3 times the amount for an ECO-Product you invested the money in saving the rainforest?

    • BIO should be healthier. What are the health benefits of eat foods contaminated with fungus, bacteria, and insect pathogens?

    • 100 years ago, people lived to an age of 40 and infant mortality was roughly 1 death/6 children whom lived to the age of 12. Currently in Western Cultures we are facing a crisis because people are living on average into their 80's and living healthier, though fatter... What has changed? - modern pharmaceuticals, pesticides & herbicides, and a fossil fuel driven economy. Certainly these innovations have their problems, but over-all have they not improved mankind's quality of life?

If you made it this far, please bare with me. The above scenario is meant to be provocative, not truth. However, it should serve to invoke a certain point, namely: "I believe that impacts on the environment are dire! However, most of what one associates with BIO or ECO is just someones marketing strategy. They are neither ecologically sound nor truly biological solutions".

What the World needs is a new common sense approach to protecting and preserving our environment. The Feast of Booths is amongst other things, a celebration of Abraham's revolutionary concept of considering animals right to a humane life, namely Abraham was the first human to provide shelter from the sun and elements of his animals by providing them with a simple shelter. We subscribe to the following concepts, though not perfect, are a start:

Instead of BIO, consider:

    • Buy Local

    • Kosher, Vegetarian, Paleo-diet, what ever: "Hauptsache", think about what you eat! If you do you will eat healthier and minimize your global foot-print.

    • BIO-Bananas in the Northern Hemisphere make no sense. BIO and ECO labels are not necessarily a more ecologically sustainable or more healthy alternative to locally grown conventional produce.


    • Ride a bike!!! - not only will you reap health benifits, you'll save money, enjoy the senery, and help save the environment.

    • Quit blaming "Amerika", everyone blames the US for "Global Warming" and wants every one else to drive less. But everyone complains about high prices of fuel. If you believe that CO2 causes "Global Warming", why do YOU have a car??? Take responsibility for your own CO2, do you think that your flight to Myorka is going to reduce greenhouse gases?

    • There are alternatives: Buses, Train, Bikes, Walking - try them, you might be suprised.

    • Prototype vehicles - they are no longer prototypes. When you go to buy you next vehicle, consider one of these, the market is begining to be exciting.