Opening Page

Welcome to the New Website!!!<!-- Although GoogleSites may not be a traditional service provider for professional WebSites, we choose to use it because it serves our needs well and is available to all members worldwide, without complicated contracts or the need of a full time web-administrator. Thus we can concentrate on what we do best, and save all those involved 'Mucho-Denero'. We hope you understand and take the time to explore our site and services.

The main activities to be explored in this site are:

  • Scientific Translation/Editing from German to English for Scientific Journal and Publications: Scientific Writing

  • Geoarcheology - a consultation service for soil science and geomorphology for archaeological investigations: Geo-archaeology

  • Import/Export of Pfalzische Products: Oil, Forest, BIO/ECO, and Specialty Items: Trader Orca

  • (New) Alternative Energy Consulting.

  • Forest Contracting: Taubenshul

  • Terra Preta Project - Carbon Sequestering & Soil Fertility.

    • "Kastanie" (Castanea sativa) - EU sponsored Project in SW Germany & NW France concerning Forestry uses & disease issues of the European Chestnut as a culturally significant tree species especially in relation to tradition landuse management.

    • LWF- "Borkenkaefer": Bark Beetles, overwintering strategies.

Currently, those involved include:

Jared David

Daniel Glaser

Dan Morovitz

John M Sullivan

A New Member: Reik Wirsich

Quick Links:Business Portal - The Start Page for those interested in our Business.Trader Orca - Stand Alone Import/Export Business Portal.Science (For Fun) - Science for everyone, personal projects supported by JaredDavidCorp.Faith & Philosophy - Politically incorrect forum, which has no place in a science based community.Imprint-Impressum - Legal notification.

A Cosmological Fantasia from BDH - Burrell Durrant Hifle on Vimeo.

Announcements: Family Reunification Project - Initiated Febuary 20th, 2009.

Note: This site is a portal from scientists, we are not politically correct. We are individuals struggling to understand life and our place in the grand scheme of the Universe, and trying to make a positive difference. Regardless, we are all highly qualified scientists and take our work very seriously. We do; however, reserve the right to take certain liberties in our own idiosyncrasies - any good scientist should understand.