Accounting Information Systems: The Challenge of the Real-Time Reporting

Accounting Information Systems: Tradition and Future Directions

António Trigo, Fernando Belfo & Raquel Pérez Estébanez

Conference Paper in Proceedings of the Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (CENTERIS´2014). Procedia Technology, 16, 118-127, Elsevier


Real-time reporting in accounting or simply real-time accounting offers many benefits when compared to conventional periodic reporting. Traditionally, enterprises require financial or non-financial reporting based on quarterly and annual periods. Yet, the rapid change that occurs on market and society causes this periodic reporting to become quickly outdated. Higher competition among enterprises demands for more updated information to enable management to rapidly adapt to opportunities and answer problems. Real-time accounting addresses these needs, but needs new technological answers. In this article we present some technologies which can help the implementation of real-time accounting, namely, business process management, mobile devices, cloud computing, business intelligence, enterprise architecture and enterprise application integration.

Keywords: accounting; management information systems, accounting information systems, mobile devices, cloud computing, environmental scanning, business intelligence, enterprise application integration, business process management, computer assisted auditing tools and techniques