Los juegos ~ Games

Give Duolingo a try.

Free language learning site

Maestra's favorite: Free Rice

for each correct answer 10 grains of rice are donated to the

World Food Programme


What's in the backpack?

¿Qué está en la mochila?

You have 4 games to choose from, all featuring the words for the stuff in my crazy back pack. Say the words aloud. That's how we do it live!

Games featuring a variety of vocabulary.

La familia

Columns! ~~ La familia

Battleship with a variety of vocabulary

¿Qué tiempo hace? (Questions en español,

(answers en Íngles [mostly] This is a battleship game.)

The site below is for Spanish speaking kids. Sometimes there's no instructions in English! You'll have fun. Lots of pictures. Music too.

Try one out!

Travel the globe...


YIPPEE Mexican kids love this site

I have not had time to try it all out BUT there are lots of options. Tell me what is GOOD!

Try Minimo for easiest one-to-one images and words; Look for the mouse with the bottle!

Or stay on the main site: You'll find games, recipes, history, the rights of children, geology, and more!! All about Mexico and all in Spanish! Really worth a visit even if you don't understand everything.

Saludos/Greetings (Hangman style game)

Los colores___________________

Los colores ~~ facil! easy. Word search option will not work because half the word list is actual colors!

+++++++++++ Variety games ++++++++++

Translator Alligator from the site: FunBrain.com Choose what you want to play. Looks like an up to date site!


Maestra offers some great games with

classroom words! el aula!! Have fun!

el aula = classroom

Easiest! Things in our Aula

Little bit harder... more words in our aula

Battleship ~~ classroom words and colors


ABCYA has sound and great graphics! ojo

http://www.abcya.com/spanish_word_bingo.htm http://www.abcya.com/spanish_vocabulary.htm

You choose word categories. Then decide to hear & see the English and choose the matching Spanish, or start with the Spanish and find the English. Try both ways to see which is more challenging and fun.


Interactive Maps of South America

¡Ojo! Beware. This site worked great on a PC but not on a Mac. There's a button for Mac users. Try your luck, and tell me if you get it to work. ALSO. this site has ads.

But these work Great! TODO MEXICO

Interactive map games.

Start with the tutorials then work your way up. Maestra is getting to know her Mexican states.