FantasyCon 2008

Peter Coleborn collected comments on FantasyCon 2008

If you didn't attend Fantasycon 2008 and you're wondering what you missed out on, take a peek at the comments of some of last year's attendees. When we say you missed out on the fantasy event of the year, don't take our word for it. See what Peter Crowther and Christopher Golden and James Barclay and others had to say.

Rob Shearman

My first FantasyCon – but very definitely not my last! I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t being so welcomed by some of the friendliest (and funniest!) people I’ve met in a long time. There’s this sort of artsy cliché that all writers are tortured souls who live in isolation and scowl testily at each other, but FantasyCon proves the lie to that, and shows just how mutually supportive a bunch we can be. (Even if our souls are a / bit /tortured.) Thanks so much!

James Barclay

I was looking forward to good chatter, wide-ranging and stimulating debate, time with old friends, time with new friends and time to simply enjoy the warm embrace that is FantasyCon. And it’s always good to have your expectations exceeded, isn’t it? There’s something unique offered by FantasyCon, something that has grown organically over the last few years. It’s a sense of genuine inclusivity. More of the same next year, please.

Peter Crowther

This year’s FantasyCon was marred (though almost imperceptibly) only by a somewhat dysfunctional hotel and an even more gibberingly-incoherent than usual acceptance speech by yours truly on the momentous occasion of PS picking up the Best Small Press Award for the seventh time! The event itself, however, was wonderfully organised with some fine highlights – Nicky and I particularly enjoyed the banquet (now refreshingly bearing traces of pomp and circumstance… not to mention increasingly flamboyant attire by both girls and boys alike) and I loved the “Taboo” panel that followed the raffle late on Saturday night, when I was Guinnessed and wined to such a degree that one might have reasonably expected me simply to have keeled over (which, to be fair, I did – to Nicky’s great amusement – when the panel had ended and I returned to the room).

The guests and emcee were all fabulously good eggs, of course (it was especially good to see Chris Golden on this side of the Atlantic – excellent speech, chum!), but it was the sheer energy, good humour and pure warmth of the delegates – fans, crowd, attendees… call them what you will – that, as ever, carried the entire gig shoulder-high into the record books. Hotels and their dippy-doo bar staff and gruff-mannered reception drones may come and go, you know – and guests of honour and assorted dignitaries, too, back into their garrets with their brushes and quills – but the mass of the British Fantasy Society will continue, unfazed and undaunted, long after all of we 2008 con- goers have fallen from the perch. We are carrying forward a tradition and a collective mentality that may one day save the world. Well, shoot… somebody has to. Bravo, I say to us all!

Conrad Williams

Best part of FantasyCon for me was winning my award and then, about ten seconds later, being “volunteered” to fold raffle tickets. Apparently Glenn Close, having won her Emmy, was conscripted to wipe effluvia off the toilet floors with a toothbrush before the end of the night. So I’m in good company...

Simon Guerrier

Stayed up too late, bought too many books, drank too much beer, met too many people, talked too much rubbish, had too much fun. Sleep now.

Christopher Golden

FantasyCon isn’t the rowdy, drunken free-for-all I’d been warned it might be… mostly because all of the people I met were too professional and polite to get very rowdy. Drunken free-for-all, yes. Rowdy, no. I had a fantastic time as the 2008 Token American, and my only regret is that there were so many people I spoke to in passing that I wish I’d had more time to talk to all of them. If someone would hurry up and invent teleportation, or buy me my own airline, I’d go every year.

Steve Jones

I enjoyed this year’s FantasyCon even more than last year’s – and I was a Guest of Honour then! From the various panels to the Awards Banquet, through the Raffle to the liveliest British Fantasy Society AGM for years, this was a convention that had a genuine energy to it. I even did business. The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror signing quickly sold out, and the number of writers, artists and publishers attending ensured that there was always plenty to talk about. Added to that, I won an award. And I’ve finally started to work out where the good restaurants are in Nottingham! Marie O’Regan, Paul Kane, Vicky Cook and their dedicated team of helpers are to be congratulated for bringing the convention up to a level where those who follow them will undoubtedly be able to build upon their success. Thank you to everyone who helped make my weekend such a terrific experience.

Tim Lebbon

FantasyCon’s all about the company. Well, the company, and the beer... though if you stayed in the hotel, the ale was shite (when it was actually on). The company and the food... which was OK if you ventured to one of the many excellent eating establishments around the hotel. The company and the atmosphere... which on the streets of Nottingham at midnight on Saturday when Golden forced me out for a walk and a tray of chips, was what I can only describe as “exciting”. So yes, the convention is all about the company. And if you can judge someone by the company they keep, we are fine people indeed.

Ramsey Campbell

Who cares (well, not too much) about the beer or the treacherous key cards or those of the staff who graduated from moroseness class? We’re the FantasyCon, for heaven’s sake. We have the people and the panels and the community we’ve built up and are still building. Here’s to the next one! And the next, and the next, and wheel me into the bar when I’m in my box.

Graham Joyce

“FantasyCon was real!”

Martin Roberts provided a round-up of blogging on FantasyCon 2008

FantasyCon 2008 by all accounts was generally considered to be one of the best yet, but don't take my word for it!

On Fantasycon, Operation Motherland and Twilight of Kerberos from Jonathan Oliver, Editor of Abaddon Books...

...musings about this 'most convivial of occasions' from John L. Probert, the only attendee whose attire, a green velvet jacket, paid tribute to our host Lord Froggy!

Author Simon Strantzas travelled all the way from Canada, to read his thoughts all you have to do is simply visit FantasyCon 2008. Although I managed to snag a signed copy of his collection, Beneath the Surface, I never really got the chance to speak to him properly. One of the downsides of being involved in the running of a convention.

FantasyCon - the aftermath from author Geoff Nelder...

...and a short but sweet message from author and all round nice guy, Tony Richards in his September 2008 update.

'Many thanks to the organisers of an enjoyable convention.' Ray Russell of Tartarus Press

Friday Saturday Sunday from Tony Lee of Pigasus Press comes not one, but three reports of his mis-adventures in Nottingham...

Fantasycon 2008 memories part 1 & Fantasycon 2008 memories part 2 swiftly followed from author Mark Samuels...

FantasyCon report - 20th September 2008 from author Mark West and...

...FCon Aftermath from publisher extraordinaire Chris Teague.

Great news from publisher Steve Upham of Screaming Dreams, he's posted a few photos of the eventand, when time permits, he's going to put together a little Fantasycon issue of the Estronomicon eZine.FantasyCon 2008 from author Gary Greenwood...

...and speaking of wacky Welshmen, we can read the cry of 'Ahhh, Fantasycon. I've been to lots of conventions, but this one always seems to be the highlight.', the opening lines of author Tim Lebbon'sFantasyCon round-up.

There's a short report and some pics on David Howe's blog - - and we also have FantasyCon 2008 - A Brief Diary from author Sam Stone.

The British Fantasy Society's FantasyCon 2008 from author Raven Dane...

...Blimey! I Won! and other witty observations from this years MC and author Chris Fowler...

...and for author, FantasyCon 2008 organiser and ex-BFS Chairman Marie O'Regan it was Back to work, whilst for Paul Kane, FantasyCon 2008 co-organiser, ex- BFS Special Publications and author it was more a question of FCon 08, Launch and Graveyards

Allyson Bird celebrates selling out on her website and Vincent Chongreports 'I have just returned from another great weekend at FANTASYCON where I was honoured, and very happy, to be awarded with the BRITISH FANTASY AWARD for BEST ARTIST again. I'd like to thank...'

There's no rest for the wicked, for authors Joesph D' Lacey and Bill Hussey at FantasyCon and beyond.

PS Publishing triumphant at British Fantasy Awards! PS Publicist Paul Raven celebrates their success in this years BFS Awards whilst acknowledging all the finalists and recommended alike...

...which seems like the ideal point to mention that all the awards videos are now online and can be viewed on the BFS MySpace page, to wet your appetite, here's a clip of one of my personal favourite moments of the awards: Best Short Fiction 2008: Joel Lane.

This article originally appeared on Martin's blog, Lord Froggy's Dungeon.