
The banquet is always one of the highlights of FantasyCon. No, it really is! Don't be tempted off to one of Nottingham's curry houses! The banquet is where the smart people eat as they wait for the British Fantasy Awards to get started.

If nothing else, it's an opportunity to dress up in your fancy clothes. But you don't have to.

The banquet is on Saturday evening, immediately before the awards ceremony. The cost this year will be £40 £30. (Refunds will be forthcoming to those who have paid at the higher price.)

If this is your first FantasyCon, and especially if you're travelling on your own, you may be put off attending the banquet by the thought of sitting on your own with strangers, but don't be. It's a terrific way to meet people.

"The first time I went to FantasyCon," said one attendee, "I didn't go to the banquet because I didn't want to sit on my own. But when the doors closed, I knew I'd made a mistake. The next year I went to the banquet and by the time the wine ran out I felt I'd made a table-full of new friends."

Note that only convention members may attend the banquet. Non-attending family members are not allowed to purchase banquet tickets, because of the limited number available.

The banquet will include a selection of hot buffet food, pasta and curry dishes, including vegetarian options and a range of side-salads. The ticket price of £30 again includes a half bottle of last year’s (eminently drinkable) wine per head.