Art Show Problems

Post date: 12-Sep-2010 08:13:15

A message from Guy Adams, FantasyCon Chair, about this year's art show:

As some of you may know a last minute disaster has befallen the art show this year. The co-ordinator has dropped out due to personal reasons leaving us with mere days to bring everything together. Unfortunately the show really does need sorting from scratch and we'll need the kind indulgence and support of all the artists in order to make it happen. Steve Upham has kindly stepped into the breach to assist in co-ordinating efforts so can I ask that all artists who were hoping to exhibit drop him a line on as soon as you can. Even if you've already contacted us please do so again. We are also going to need people willing to help man the show, safeguarding the work and selling prints. If you are willing to help in that regard please also let Steve know.

By hook or by crook we'll have an art show to be proud of!