Trivia Leroy's Brothers

In the Season 1 Episode "Tomorrow's Farewell" we discover that Leroy has a brother called Willard played by Grand Bush.

Willard is 10 years older than Leroy and had spent the last 6 years in prison and is out on parole. In the episode Leroy states to Coco "Willard is the only Family I've got on Earth".

We also see a picture in Leroy's apartment of Leroy, his Mother and Willard.

In the season 5 episode "The Inheritance" we meet Leroy's Brother Lamar played by Lawrence Hilton Jacobs. Lemar seems to have the same personality as Willard and is also on parole.

It's not clear if Willard and Lemar are supposed to be the same person and the writers just forgot Leroy's brother's name or if Leroy is supposed to have 2 brothers.

If he has 2 brothers that makes the line about Willard being his only family on Earth even more out of place because not only do we meet Leroy's Mother later in season 1, we meet his father in season 4 and his niece Tina in seasons 5 and 6.