Write Papers

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This resource is to help students correct typical mistakes they make in research paper assignments. This is not necessary an exhaust list of writing issues. Students can use this list to correct their paper writing. The resource is not prepared as a checklist to examine papers.

  • Abstract
    • Frequently, students did not include summarized conclusion in the abstract. Abstracts should provide a clear overview about the paper not just introduction.
  • Lead Sentence
    • Use lead sentence for paragraphs. Without lead sentence, it is hard for readers or teachers to follow your arguments.
  • Logical reasoning
    • Typical mistakes students make are the arguments do not align well. For example, papers require us to identify "issues." Next thing we need to do is to explain the issues, and recommend solutions to resolve the issues. The logical reason would be:
      • Identify issues
      • Explain issues
      • Provide solutions to resolve issues.
  • Direct quote
    • Avoid over using large direct quotes. The most common mistakes that I have seen are that students copy directly from the original papers or the abstract or use too many directs quotes. These errors prevent the text from flowing smoothly and prevent it from making sense, providing evidence that the author did not digest the content and obtain a comprehensive understanding of the literature. Student often apply too many large direct quotes for short paper (5-6 pages). Over use direct quote does not present our arguments well. It makes readers feel that we just copy and paste the texts and do not elaborate them.
    • Solutions: Use direct quotes for extreme important key points only. Consider to use your own words to describe the points with citations. Use shorter direct quotes.
  • Over citing
    • Students frequently over cite certain literature. Their paper read like the summaries of these literature. It shows people we do not read enough literature, and we do not have our own points and arguments.
    • Solutions: Use your own words to describe the points. Identify other literature to address the points.
  • APA
    • In text
      • Mistake: ... virtual classrooms. (Bowman, 2000)
      • Correct: ...virtual classrooms (Bowman, 2000).
    • APA Example
  • Secondary Citing:
    • Avoid over applying secondary citations for the direct quotes. It tells people we did not read the original literature.
    • Solution: Get the original article and read it. If we get not get the original article in time, consider to read other literature.
  • Cite what you read:
    • Only cite the literature that you actually read it. If you did not read the article, books, chapters etc. Do not cite it because it is considered as plagiarism.
  • Citing secondary literature
    • Citing too many secondary literature, such as web pages, magazine articles etc. Generally a superior quality of papers are found in refereed journals versus online articles, conference presentation papers and proceedings.
    • Solutions: Students are encouraged to obtain papers from referred journal papers as opposed to conference presentations or papers, if possible.