Advanced Interaction

How to advance One-One interaction posting to One-Many and Many-Many interaction postings?

Frequently, we engage in One-One interaction posting in online discussion board activities, particularly in the 2nd posting period. Frequently, we ask others' questions based on their postings to engage in One-One interaction It is relevant.

I would like you to advance your learning from One-One to One-Many and Many-Many which would engage us in a more advanced learning. You will challenge yourself with higher critical thinking process and engage in deeper learning.

How to do it?

  1. Read more than one messages posted others.
  2. Digest them.
  3. Reflect.
  4. Compare, and Contrast these postings. Aware of the similarities, differences, conflicts of arguments.
  5. Post your advanced arguments.
    • You can use this opening format:
      • Chih, Gayle, and Mia,
      • You indicate....

I would like to see you engage in such advanced interaction. Give it a try. It doesn't mean we have to always engage in such deep interaction. I would like to see you use such strategy to strengthen and deepen your discussion postings, in addition to One-One.

For One-One interaction, please do address the classmate's name so we know you respond to a specific person.