Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, that choosing a electric car is investing in the environment and the future. It will require a lot of investment from the government to provide the infrastructure and the incentives for consumers to buy. As the manufacturers embark on a mission to manufacture and invest into the research of electric cars for all the right reasons, they will need to be encouraged not only by government action to provide charge points and incentives but also to see customers inquire and buy them.

Theoretically the electric car is good for the environment, and that this type of car does not emit CO2 but it is only as green as the electricity that powers that it. For the buyer of a electric car the initial cost of the car can be expensive even with the Irish government incentives of a grant of 5000 euro towards the car but with the running costs of a electric can counter balance that as there is a potential to save a lot of money as the maintenance costs is cheaper and fuel is also cheaper.

Things will have to change and the electric car is one of the many possible directions towards that change but the solution may be the type of portfolio approach to transportation. This may be a combination of using a various types of cars like electric car, hybrid car and very fuel efficient combustion cars.

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