FAQ (Assgt 2)

Frequently asked questions for Assignment 2 (Reconstruction essay)

This will serve as a record of your questions. State your questions below.

Q: When we say "creating an inclusive learning environment", do we only focus on the learning environment for special needs students? Or should we cater and consider the learning environment for all students?

A: Including those with special needs a major area and there is much you can write about on that topic. However, there are many other ways teachers can be inclusive depending on what you perceive as “special needs”. For example, there may be religious, language and other needs.

Q: When we say "personal pedagogy (e.g. attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values)", do we have to cite or quote any pedagogy theory to support the case?

A: Yes, especially if a particular style, philosophy, strategy, etc. has been attributed to someone or some group before.

Q: What are the details that should be included when describing the profile of the class we are likely to encounter? (e.g. class size, capabilities, school type, presence of students with special needs?)

A: Those are aspects you can include in the profile. You might also revisit your ICT notes on writing objectives. There should be some ideas you can glean on analyzing your learners.

Q: Must we reflect a change in our pedagogy with regards to inclusion? The term "reconstruction" to me involves some form of modification and improvement from an old way of thinking.

A: You are entitled to do that, especially if you are keenly aware of the way you thought before the course and the way you think now.

Q. Are sub-headings in the essay counted in the total word count?

A: Yes.