Bonus projects

Spring 2016

Climate Monitoring Clock

Allison, Eric, and Will

Spring 2014


David, Sean, and Jennifer

Flight Data Recorder

Tyler, Melissa, Hunter, Candace

4x4x4 LED cube

John and Alex

Spring 2012

Motion-activated traffic signal

Perry C. and Lesley B.

A PIC joystick

Mardreagus W.

The PIC music player

Jimmie B. and Jonathan S.

BASIS temperature

Kristin W. and Daniel D.


John A.


To begin a bonus project, e-mail Dr. Jones a one-paragraph description of the proposed project at least four weeks before the end of classes. If approved, carry out the project. The project must be presented to the class during the last lecture of the semester and accompanied by the following files, which will be used to create a web page for the project. These files must be e-mailed to Dr. Jones. The traffic signal project provides a simple example of a complete page, lacking only a presentation.

  1. A schematic, showing how external hardware was interfaced to the PIC.
  2. All source code (typically a .c file)
  3. Photos of the project and of the project member(s), in .jpg format.
  4. A brief presentation (as a .ppt)
  5. A brief description of the project, consisting of up to 4 paragraphs (sent in an e-mail).

Bonus projects will be evaluated based on:

  1. Scope -- how broad is the project?
  2. Functionality (Most functions of the project must work properly; otherwise, the project gets 0 bonus)-- does it work? How well?
  3. Hardware complexity
  4. Software complexity
  5. Presentation
  6. Practicality / usefulness / fun factor