Lab 0: Software Installation

This is a lab orientation which requires no lab report. Instead, install the following software, then show a TA that the software has been installed before leaving the lab. Again, there is no lab report for this lab; all other labs require a report.

Software Download and Installation:

Ensure that you have a computer that meets the requirements of the Bagley College of Engineering.

Quartus Installation

Note: If clicking on the next three links doesn't download the file, try right clicking and "Save Link As..." If that still doesn't work you may need to use a different browser or change your security settings.

If you open File Explorer, you should hopefully see something like this:

Installation Checks:

The project should compile successfully, and ModelSim should open automatically, resulting in something like the following two screens:

Quartus (top) and ModelSim

You should get a green "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message in the compilation output:

You should get a green "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message in the compilation output:

Simply run bullyCPPw.exe and see that it opens:


If you have an issue, click here to see if it's been addressed.