How the course works

The Philosophy and Mental Health Programme is still a relatively new graduate teaching programme at UCLan but based on a programme set up by Bill Fulford and managed by Tim Thornton at the University of Warwick in the 1990s. Material written for that course was developed into the Oxford Textbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry on which the UCLan programme is mainly based. The Textbook is thus no ordinary textbook. It is explicitly written to act as a teaching resource.

Students are expected to buy their own copy before the course starts.

The UCLan programme is built up of six taught modules and a dissertation. It normally takes three years part time study to complete (to complement the busy lives of students active in the field in one way or another).

Students take three modules in the first year and can, once successfully completed, graduate with a Post Graduate Certificate.

The second year comprises three more modules including a research methods module based on WebCT (the e-learning software) and can lead to a Post Graduate Diploma.

The third year is taken up with tutor-supported research on the dissertation (worth three modules) leading to a Masters in Philosophy and Mental Health.