How in the hell did the Israelis ever get away with kidnapping and executing Adolph Eichmann??

"Their country didn't even exist in WW2. Further, what did Eichmann actually do?the Israelis just didn't have the authority to kidnap a naturalized Argentinian and kill him. Besides, how can a nazi get a fair trial in the Jewish state?

How did the Israelis got away with covertly invading Argentina?"


I feel that war crimes are a messy issue. When you really think about it, FDR and Churchill both ordered the fire-bombing of Dresden. That was a crime. Truman nuked cities full of women and children, and that was a crime. I just feel that justice has not been done. Besides, how can a nazi get a fair trial? There's no question that the search for and prosecution of Holocaust criminals raises complex moral questions, as well as tangled problems of international law and jurisdiction.

West Germany tried to follow the legal process when they had requested extradiction of Joseph Mengele from Argentina, where he had received asylum. Rather than facing the risk of extradiction he escaped to Brazil and Paraguay. He was never captured.

Argentine government was furious over Eichmann's capure. It submitted formal diploma complaints and threatened sanctions. It expelled Israel's ambassador and lodged a resolution before the United Nations Security Council condemning Israel. (The resolution passed 8-0 with the US voting in favor.)

Eventually, the two countries made peace. Argentina's national pride had been hurt, but its leaders understood all too well that the event had exposed the country as a haven for War War II criminals. The sooner the scandal subsided the better.

Eichmann was probably the key bureaucrat in the Nazis apparatus responsible for shipping Jews to the death camps.

For my part, i'm glad the Israeli's defied national borders and the legal apparatus to capture him. I wish they could've done it to the likes of Mengele and others who escaped. The US and the Soviets were more interested in bringing alot of the former Nazis into their intelligence and ballistic missile ventures, rather than continuing the Nuremburg prosecutions. Where's the morality in that?