Can Science prove god's existence?

Science will always come up with new theories about this universe, and many of the already proven thories indicate, but not prove, that some Great Intelligence; some great power, has created this universe. But not proven as a scientific fact.

This state of things; this state of the mind, will continue to be like this as long as our minds are programmed to act under certain conditions that I will explain below.

Please read this statement:

“If the only tool we have is a hammer, then all our problems will look like nails” – (Anonymous)

The above insight is my approach to this subject.

Our brain is a monotype tool that functions under a world of limited dimensions. Thus, it is necessary to indicate that our minds function in terms of time, space and causation. All existence that has a start is governed by these three elements and can never escape their grip. Therefore, our minds analyze, rationalize, conclude …etc, in their attempt to understand the universe – or any other concept – and this is a justified approach since it is in harmony with our nature.

You cannot conceive the idea of “Eternity” except as a state of “no end” or “no death”. Therefore, to our minds, the frame of reference that exists in our concept of eternity is time. Similarly, you cannot imagine an object – say a ball – in absolute vacuum because the ball has dimensions and has to have a “place” to exist. Therefore, to our minds, the frame of reference that exists in our concept of “Vacuum” is space or an extension of space to which we compare nonexistence of objects. By the same token, to believe that the ball exists - to rest assured that it is there - we need a frame of reference, and in this case, “cause” or a “creator”, is our reference. Therefore, our minds are incapable of perceiving any form of existence that does not have a creator or a cause. Hence the idea of God. We just cannot perceive that this universe exists by itself because it decays, dies or disappears. In other words, it has an end and cannot sustain itself without a creator, let alone be itself The Creator.

This logic is our way of understanding things. This is the only tool that we have – at least so far. All explanations have to be the outcome of this tool. We simply do not have any other tool to “know” at this stage of our development (if we believe we are developing). We just have to use the hammer.

On the other hand, while one theory maintains that we only use 1% of our mind’s potentials, other theories say 8%, and yet others say a maximum of 12% – regardless. We simply do not use the full capacity of our minds and that’s a fact, and therefore we “think” we have this one tool only, i.e., the hammer. But who knows, we may have other tools but they are yet to be discovered. However, until then, the only tool we have is this logic that is governed by the three aforementioned elements of Time, Space and Causation, and whether we like it or not, we just have to use it if we want to know.

Should we live in a different world with different laws of physics, or should we discover these laws to have been incorrectly perceived, we might be able to “see” more into this existence. Consequently, we might be able to explain its nature in a way that makes all these questions of God and creation (as we now perceive them) a mere childish talk. Until then, we will always use the “hammer”, and try to handle all questions as “nails”.

There’s no question or statement in our supposedly-known-to-us universe that does NOT imply at least one of the three aforementioned elements. Therefore, there will definitely be no answer, explanation or comment that does NOT imply at least one of them. If we start a question with a “Why?” then the answer must definitely be “cause-oriented”. Similarly, “When” and “Where” are time & space oriented respectively, and so are all other questions that imply time, space and causation.

On the other hand, the question “Who/what is God?” calls for a descriptive answer, and all descriptions apply only for “objects” that occupy a space no matter how celestial, spiritual or unearthly our image of them is. Can any one of us imagine what a god is, without referring to a person or a character? And what is a character? It is a being that has a body - a piece of matter that makes his separate individuality or identity (spirit or soul is another story). According to Einstein, matter is an extension of space. (Do we have a better answer?) Therefore, the very question of existence of a god – whether “What” he is or “Who” he is, has no answer at the physical level. Simply because whoever has created time & space should logically be beyond them and cannot be limited to the objects of his creation. As for us, no “creature” has ever gone beyond the physics of our universe and come back with new vocabulary that best “describe” the state of no physics. Metaphysical concepts to us are no more than a state of existence “beyond the physical”. Again we are using the hammer.

Every thing that is created carries the seeds of destruction in its genes. As per all tokens and sciences, the laws of physics known to man so far govern the material world. Supported by anatomy, atomic physics, biochemistry, chemistry, astral physics and genetic engineering, our minds are made up of those laws and entirely controlled by them.

To our minds, death is a logical end for any thing that has a start. Thus we are led to believe that only God the Omnipotent exists by His own power and is, therefore, eternal. All other types of existence are manifestations of the presence of God or if you like, means for His revelation. And here again, no matter how agreeable this theory might be to our minds, we are using the hammer.

This leads us to the question of “Faith” or unconditioned belief in the existence of God whether or not our tool of knowledge fits. Faith is the only outlet for the pressure our inquisitive minds create by their “hammer-oriented” questions. To relax, to feel that “it’s not my fault” not to be able to know what cannot be known to me with the current tool I have, is what I call faith. To believe that there are things beyond my capability to explain or understand but they do exist is what I regard as faith. Hence the belief in God’s existence. You cannot just simply say, “If my mind cannot perceive God then God does not exist.” Because you will be using the hammer again while the object is NOT a nail. Should you question the existence of God, then Faith, and only faith in His existence is the answer – unless you are able to change your nature and become some spiritual being who can jump over the fence of Time, Space and Causation.

Thus, logic can prove the existence of a creator as many theologians have attempted, but the best science can do is to eventually reveal more indications of the existence of this creator without being able to prove Him as God.