Why does the US military still cover up UFO incidents like the case in Stephenville, Texas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker US Air Force Project Blue Book, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency , and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have determined since 1947 (and reinforced over the years) that the actual recognition of life beyond this planet would cause panic and mass hysteria in the general populous, destablization of the economy, and general collapse of public order related to drastic world view changes . Alot was based on the effects of a false radio broadcast by Orson Welles in the 30's. General Curtis Lemay (Commander of Strategic Air Command and Chief of Staff of the US Airforce) issued orders for cover-up in the name of national security. Newer technologies had national security implications, especially at a time when the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union was beginning to heat up. Anyway, that's the short answer. As time goes on, however, it seems that this view point loses weight as our technology increases and the general world views of people are, how would you say....less fragile....

Those at the top of the heap in wealth and power in every country want to maintain the status quo. UFO's pose an immediate threat to the social and economic fabric of life, whether in a totalitarian state or one that's allegedly democratic. The secrecy stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world: that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps necessary to maintain the status quo.

There is a nice anecdote in which President Ronald Reagan, after watching a preview of ET The Extraterrestrial with a group including the movie's director, Steven Speilberg, turned to the director and said: "You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know how true this really is." This might be apocryphal, the story continues that Spielberg could not question the president further after these statements because the press then approached


  • 1 day ago

Source(s): See also the intial development of Majestic 12, a secret committee appointed by President Truman composed of top military, scientists and US officials. They were the first to impose the US government cover-up of UFO sightings. Conspiracy theorists have also stated that the 'men in black' are the progeny of this first secret committee. Whether or not M-12 is real or not, who knows? Acknowledging an alien existence would also acknowledge the existence of alternate energy sources. Our world now relies on oil, cars, transportation, etc. The millions of lives or jobs that would be lost, the muli-national corporations that would be affected, the Middle Eastern countries that would be impacted, all point to a world wide global meltdown in the economy if an alternative source of energy were introduced....at least if was introduced overnight. This is presuming the propulsion of inter-stellar travel is easily adaptable to our technology.. Suffice it to say that the existing status quo will be maintained by those few on the top of our heap.....true story.

Asker's Comment: Great, thorough answer and in-line with my views. I believe with the advent of digital photography and digital video made affordable to the masses that the evidence of such events will overwhelm the powers in charge to debunk these events.

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