Camp Officers


 Camp Officers 2024-2026


Commander: Bryan Sigmund


Senior Vice Commander: Jeremy B. Lacey


Junior Vice Commander: Charles Gordiner


Secretary: David Hann PDC


Assistant Secretary Dave Weitzel


Treasurer: Scott Hann


Assistant Treasurer: Paul Tucci


Chaplin: Gary Englestad  


Patriotic Instructor: Fred Mossbrucker PDC


Camp Council # 1: Charles F Morgan Jr PCC


Camp Council # 2: Shawn Kenny PCC


Camp Council #3: Francis A. Tomasello Jr PCC


Guard: Ryan McLeod


Historian George F. Gumpper Jr.


Camp Counselor: Paul Lader PCC


Eagle Scout Coordinator: Charles F Morgan Jr


Color Bearer: Charlie Harlan


Signal’s Officer: Gary Sigmund


Guide: Charles Gordiner


Graves Registration Officer: Francis A. Tomasello Jr PCC


Civil War Memorials Officer: Larry McDermott


Francine Camp Committees


By-Laws Committee:

Frank Tomasello and Jeremy Lacey


Investigation on Application:

Camp Junior Vice Commander, Fred Mossbrucker and David Hann PDC


Remembrance Day Committee:

Fred Mossbrucker Shawn Kenny PCC and Scott Hann


Benevolent Fund:

Camp Chaplin, Camp Treasurer and Camp Commander


Fund Raising Committee: Bryan Sigmund, Frank Tomasello PCC, Scott Hann and Paul Tucci


Life Boat: Chair Bryan Sigmund David Hann PDC and Fred Mossbrucker PDC


Newsletter “Colonel of Truth.”  Editor Dave Hann PDC, contributors all of the Brothers of the Camp.


Commander’s Certificate of Appreciation given at the discretion of the Camp Commander