Feel the Magic

Post date: Dec 3, 2010 3:26:00 PM

My whole year more or less revolved around Christmas when I was a kid. And, to be honest,it did so well into my adulthood as well. My wish lists were always massive and I barely slept a wink on Christmas Eve, with butterflies bounding around inside my stomach as I waited in anticipation for the present opening to commence.

But it not just presents that I has made me love Christmas. In fact, after the wrapping paper had been ripped off the gifts, I always felt a little blue. Many times I wished I could turn back the clock to when the thrill of anticipation was in full bloom. For me, Christmas has always been a month-long (or longer!) affair. Decorations, music, television specials, decorating cookies, shaking presents and wondering what's inside... all of that added up into a magical time.

This excitement has stayed with me throughout my whole life, and it wasn't very long ago that Missus Raroo had to groggily exclaim, "It is three o'clock in the morning. We are not opening presents!" when I tried to awaken her very early one Christmas morning. Yet, for whatever reason, the past couple years have just not felt like Christmas to me.

I wonder if the problem is just that I'm an adult and have to focus on all the responsibilites and worries that come with being a grown-up. When I was a kid, I was able to put my attention solely on Christmas, especially when Winter Break rolled around. Nowadays, I go to work forty hours a week and do my best to be a responsible employee, which can sometimes go a long way toward killing the Christmas spirit! Plus, Christmas far too often seems like an obligation. For instance, we end up having to spend more and more money on people that don't really matter. We do our best to be frugal, but it all adds up.

So, what have I done to try to change my mood? Well, I've tried watching Christmas movies, reading some of my favorite Christmas books like L. Frank Baum's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, listening to Christmas music, and going out to look at Christmas lights. Nevertheless, if I didn't keep reminding myself Christmas was in only a couple weeks, I'd think it was May or something. It's kind of a bummer!

But I shouldn't worry too much. When Christmas morning rolls around and I see the wonder on my son's face as he opens his gifts and peeks in his stocking to see what Santa brought him, I'm sure I'll be filled with happiness. And, who am I kidding? I'll be plenty excited to open my own gifts and see what St. NIck brought me as well!