Bio24 Lab & Lecture Schedule

This course syllabus is only intended to serve as a guide. More detailed descriptions of lecture and lab topics are available in the lecture outlines, and in the lab worksheets. Your instructor may modify the timing or order of topics according to his or her assessment of class needs. The number of exams and the topics covered may also vary. Your instructor will notify you of any changes in class. It is your responsibility to be there to get accurate information.

Textbook and Course Material

1. Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function; Kenneth Saladin; McGraw-Hill Publishers, 6th Edition. (ISBN9780077496913). Textbook options: 1. Hardcover text version, 2. Three-hole punch version, and 3. E-version (Half the price, but note that the license is good for only 360 days) at

2. Human Anatomy & Physiology II - BIO 24, Course Material and Study Guide. Biology and MLT Department. 14th edition.

Student Learning Outcomes

The General Student Learning Outcomes listed below form the unifying foundation for all topics and will be emphasized throughout Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Bio23) and Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Bio24). These general learning outcomes are adapted from material copyrighted by the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) and are linked to topic specific learning outcomes listed in a separate document (being developed).

The Specific Student Learning Outcomes listed below are specially emphasized in Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Bio24)

Bio24 Sequence of Topics and Reading Assignments