
The content of this site is an upgrade from the hard copy of the Bio23 and Bio24 course guides that the Biology Department has been publishing along the years.

The guide is the product of the collaborative effort of many faculty of the Biology and Medical Laboratory Technology Department. It has been mutating since the first edition up to the present. This guide is a continuous work in progress thanks to the input of students and faculty of the department. Dr. Ronald Thomas and Dr. Henry Hermo authored the first version in Fall 1988, and many others contributed along its history. Thanks to Dr. Howard Fuld, and Dr. Maureen Gannon, who reviewed extensively the first editions; and Dr. Nichole McDaniel, Dr. Shylaja Akkaraju, and Prof. Carlos Liachovitzky, who contributed widely with the most recent version.

Credits for the tutorials and animations can be found in their respective sites.

The home page images are from Cyclopaedia, 1728, volume 1, pp. 84-85, by Ephraim Chambers (1680 (ca.)-1740).