What Do We Do with Our Data Now That We Have It?


Most analysts working with non-motorized transportation have heard the cliché, “If you don’t count, you won’t count.” Much has been written about how to count, and more and more state and local agencies have implemented bicycle and pedestrian monitoring programs. But practitioners seeking to establish monitoring programs need more evidence about why and how counting matters. This Conversation with Colleagues will provide opportunities to share your stories about how bike or ped traffic data led to decisions that made differences on the ground. Plan to join members of TRB’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Subcommittee in this interactive, crowd-sourcing webinar aimed at building our inventory of cases where counts counted! Join us November 27, 2018 at 2:30 (EST) to share your story.

In anticipation of the webinar, if you know of a project where counts counted, we would love to hear about what bike/ped data you collected and how you used it: Share Your Story!

• Host: Sirisha Kothuri, Ph.D., Research Associate, Portland State University

• Panelists:

   o Greg Lindsey, Ph.D., Professor, University of Minnesota

   o Michael Petesch, Pedestrian and Bicyclist Data Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Transportation

   o Simon Blenski, Transportation Planner, City of Minneapolis

Links to Presentations: Simon & Michael