Dangers of a Prostitution arrest

Many of the people who participate in prostitution never stop to think about the dangers of prostitution arrest. They never bothered to read the prostitution laws to find out what can get you arrested. They think it is not a serious crime. Not until they loose there job, reputation, marriage or other type of relationship. The best thing to do is to avoid prostitution crimes. If you can't help yourself know the law of the land so you can stay out of trouble. This goes for johns and prostitutes.

Here is an example of a guy who lost his security clearance after seeing prostitutes.


Other people loose out are folks who have jobs that require background checks. Some places will do a background check after you start a job and then fire you if they find out you have a prostitution charge on your record. These industries include government contractors, financial services industry, industries that require licensing from a government agency (lawyers, doctors, real estate brokers), clergy, law enforcement, education, and other services industries.

If you get busted in a prostitution sting ask for a lawyer. Everything you confess can be used against you to make the charges stick on your record.

Fines for johns who have pleaded guilty have had to pay fines as has $500 on top of court costs. Some johns have to post bond as high as $7500.

How not to get busted in a prostitution sting

County specific prostitution blotters