twin soul

Some Light on Twin Soul Relationships/Rakhi brother-sister by God Relation .

Twin Soul Relationships

"And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment."


2,500 years ago...


The moment your soul was created it possessed male-female, ying-yang polarity and energy. God's love for you made sure that these two complimentary forms of consciousness, the masculine and feminine, would be bound together throughout eternity.

The two halves of one soul have been called twin souls, twin vibrations, twin rays or twin flames. Said another way, you only have one twin aspect of your soul in the entire universe who vibrates at the same frequency of light that you do. This is quite an awesome thought. However, the story is a bit more involved than this simple explanation.

Soon after our souls were created we left the joy and bliss of the Absolute to enter and experience the physical universe, in which we currently find ourselves. Originally we were ONE complete soul, one family, one Being. There was no separation, just complete joy and unspeakable bliss. However, when we left the Absolute to enter our universe of duality and opposites, all of that changed.

The ONE Soul, which was originally whole, began to separate and divide into smaller and smaller fragments of Itself over the ages. This occurred so that we could eventually relate to one another as races, nations, and families, or as individuals while in the physical universe of opposites.

As the splitting of the ONE occurred, relationships were born. And it is through relationships that we create opportunities to know ourselves, to remember our divine origin, to seek reunion and oneness with one another and eventually return to our Source. The twin relationship plays a very important role in all of this, as part of the divine, cosmic plan.

At the end of the cycle of division, our individual souls made one final and very painful decision. We separated from our twin, the other half of our soul-self, when we lost our way on planet Earth and became physical man and physical woman. We did this for a reason. As part of the divine plan, separation had to be experienced at all soul levels. This included twins within the same soul, so that we could initially experience and feel what separation was like. Then, when the time was right, we would reverse the entire process and experience the ecstatic joy of reunion.

Over the ages, and throughout our many lifetimes, the experiences and feelings of separation constantly reminded us of our yearning and craving for completion with our Source and with our twin. That inner hunger for wholeness is why we search for romance and relationship. That is why we have families. That also is why we seek God.

We are trying to re-create the same oneness we felt in the beginning.

At some magical moment in cosmic time, each of us will reach a point during our personal growth and evolution where separation is no longer the path of choice for us. The signal that would ignite the experience of soul reunion would be our spiritual awakening. In the process, we would also remember and realize that we are divine Beings of Light.

Awakening to our true spiritual nature takes us on a inner journey that leads to the opposite of separation, which is reunion. As you can well imagine, reunion brings with it feelings of love, joy, bliss and ecstasy. At that moment, the soul begins to crave oneness with its Source. Part of this hunger will be satisfied by reunion with our twin. From what I read, this is when the journey home to our Source begins in earnest.

Our spiritual awakening will eventually inspire us to question, and then cause us to discard, the false beliefs we have about traditional relationships, which are primarily ego driven and fear based. We will discover that, in order to have a lasting, fulfilling and meaningful partnership, the positive energy of unconditional love will have to replace the negative influence of the ego.

Once twins begin to think and feel this way they are setting the stage for reunion. And once reunited, the twins will still have to work at their relationship to make it a lasting and rewarding one. Twin reunion by itself does not guarantee happiness. It simply sets the stage for it. Bringing a powerful spiritual awareness and a strong sense of Self into a newfound twin reunion will provide the sustenance and glue for its balance and longevity.

Another very important step prior to reunion is the need for balancing the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. The masculine half has always retained some of the original feminine energy that the soul possesses, while the feminine half still holds onto a part of the masculine essence it once was united with.

Since that time, we have roamed around in this incomplete, unbalanced state of being looking for soul completion. We'll continue to experience life after life and relationship after relationship until we decide we've had enough separation from our other half and want something more fulfilling.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that it is very easy to fall in love with the "picture" of the twin soul concept and be blinded by all that it promises. That has to be brought into proper focus and balance. Another danger is over-idealizing and hyper-romanticizing your partner and your relationship to the point where you believe you will live happily ever after regardless of what the future brings. That is not true. Depending upon one's level of spiritual development, twin souls can have varying degrees of ego issues just as other partners do.

Over many lifetimes soul mate relationships prepare us for lasting twin reunion. They are a very important part of the process and should be blessed as such. Most often, soul mate unions will last longer and be more rewarding than the electrifying, but often stormy, twin pairings. Twin soulship is a very highly charged partnership and the two must be spiritually ready for it to last. When they are, their union will transcend all others.

Below is very useful information from various sources about twin souls...


The twin-soul concept is not new. Plato described it 2,500 years ago. Here is an excerpt...

"and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment...

If Hephaestus, son of Zeus, were to ask the pair; 'do you desire to be wholly one, always day and night to be in one another's company? For if this is what you desire, I am ready to melt you into one and let you grow together, so that being two you shall become one, and after your death in the world beyond you will still be one departed soul instead of two - I ask whether this is what you lovingly desire?' - and there is not a man or woman of them who, when they heard the proposal, would not acknowledge that this melting into one another, this becoming one instead of two, was the very expression of their ancient need. And the reason is that human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love."

It seems that when each of us separated into our male and female halves long ago, the soul knew, and still knows, that the rejoining of its incomplete self would inevitably take place. It was part of the divine plan. After that agonizing and painful division occurred, a deep-seated yearning for oneness began to linger within each of us and the desire for reunion and completeness has endured over the ages. Only one other in the entire universe can satisfy it. As a result, we are constantly searching for our twin.

But the desire for completion doesn't stop there. And the soul also realizes this. What the soul really wants is not only reunion with itself through twin half union, but the original feeling of ONEness it had with God at the very beginning of creation. This craving for the original intimacy will not stop until it is fully satisfied. We have as long as we want to make it happen. But it will happen.

It would seem that this desire for oneness must be the foundation upon which all relationships are built. Male-female unions have come into being and have fallen apart for thousands of years. However, if a deep, spiritual union with our Source can be established and maintained, the chances for lasting joy and fulfillment between loving partners becomes more and more of a possibility.

It also makes more sense that our relationships should be based upon spiritual principles rather than man made religious dogmas, which can bring so much fear and guilt into people's lives. In my opinion, it is this lack of spiritual sacredness and blessed oneness that is missing in many of today's relationships, be they marriage or otherwise.

The Sufis

Plato is not the only individual who has given us insights into twin soul relationships. Spiritual writings from the Sufis 800 years ago say that...

"Out of the original unity of being there is a fragmentation and dispersal of beings, the last stage being the splitting of one (twin) soul into two. And consequently, love is the search by each half for the other half on earth or in heaven...

As twin souls are so alike to begin with, it seems necessary for them to go their separate ways before they can complete each other. Identity and complementarity are the two driving forces and axes of love... For the complete being there must be a blending of the two."

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

From time to time, God sends humanity advanced souls who not only teach a better way, but live it as well. So it was with two extraordinary, twin soul avatars, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, both of whom where in body during the 1900s. From a heavenly realm, they descended into our midst and took on male and female forms to help us in our hour of need.

Sri Aurobindo often said that he and the Mother, who could communicate telepathically with one another, were one soul in two bodies. They came to spread the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) energy on our planet and serve as an example of service for all future twin souls.

Here are some excerpts from a book titled, Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo, that will shed some light on this remarkable twin union.

"To both of them, the other's word was law. One of us observed that only two persons have realized and put into practice Sri Aurobindo's Yoga of surrender: the Mother surrendering to Sri Aurobindo and Sri Aurobindo to the Mother."

"The two who are one are the secret of all power, the two who are one are the might and right in things."

"The Mother has said, "Without him, I exist not; without me he is unmanifest."

"And we were given the unique opportunity of witnessing the dual personality of the One enacting on our earth-plane an immortal drama, rare in the spiritual history of man."

"The two consciousnesses were one so that when Sri Aurobindo met with the accident, the Mother felt at once the vibration in her sleep."

"He followed closely all her outer activities and enveloped her with an aura of protection against the dark forces."

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce, the remarkable "sleeping prophet," also spoke about twin souls. He tells us that, in the beginning, the "male and female were as in one."

In his historical description of Atlantis, Cayce says that as long as several hundred thousands of years ago...

"there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amillius, who had first noted the separations of the beings as inhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of these peoples, into male and female as separate entities or individuals."

Even more remarkably, in the book Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus, (pages 27-28) he says, while in trance, that Jesus and Mary (his mother 2,000 years ago) were twin souls...

"... you see, in the beginning, Mary was the twin soul of the Master in the entrance into the earth!"

"Neither Mary nor Jesus had a human father. They were one soul as far as the earth is concerned."

Just recently I was listening to a tape by John Van Auken, Executive Director of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, (the Edgar Cayce Foundation). In that tape, a woman mentions to Mr. Van Auken that Edgar Cayce seemed to have many lives as a man. "Is that typical" she asks?

Mr. Van Auken replied that if your root essence is male, then most of the times you will come back as a male, but you will also have some lives as a female, and vice versa. However, here is what Mr. Auken said about Gladys, the woman who painstakingly transcribed over 14,000 readings for Edgar Cayce, when he went into trance during his most recent lifetime...

"His feminine side was going through here at the same time... she was his stenographer, his helper in building the mission and fulfilling the work... it says (in the Cayce readings) that when he comes back as the Liberator in 2158, they'll come back united, they'll be together, we will see an androgynous expression (of Cayce and Gladys)."

I contacted Mr. Van Auken about this reading to find out if he was saying that these two individuals, who have shared many lives together, are twin souls. His answer was, "Yes, they are twin souls."

Children of the Gods

In an obscure book, Children of the Gods (a difficult read for me), the author, A. B. Curtis, writes about his grandfather archeologist who, in 1929, returned from an expedition to a sacred Mayan temple where he experienced an unusual preternatural vision. In that vision, cosmic beings revealed many things to him, including the following brief insight about twin souls...

"Wherefore, each single thing becomes two opposites;

the inside of a thing parted from its outside,

the up of a thing separated from its down,

the going of a thing separated from its coming,

the lost of a thing separated from its found.

As result of this impairment, great longing pulls between

to wind the spring that moves the world.

The first division would be man himself,

each part forever seeking its twin.

Hard work for those who think

love is a game to win.

They will, of course, continue to

defeat themselves until remembering."

Eileen Caddy

Eileen Caddy is the co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation. Her remarkable and inspirational life story was told in the book, Flight Into Freedom. This is what she had to say about twin souls. Keep in mind that she received many messages and visions from God throughout her life, which was a constant test of faith in order to help her evolve spiritually...

"I recalled a vision I had been given back in 1974 just when the first cracks were appearing in my relationship with Peter: I was taken to the beginning of time when humans were etheric beings with bodies of light. Peter and I were in one light body. Then I saw us split in two, and Peter wandered his way and I wandered mine. My being became denser and denser, and I lived through lifetime after lifetime of tremendous suffering, pain and anguish. I wandered searching for something I had lost but I did not know what it was. I was a lost soul. Peter and I may have been brought together from time to time, but we did not recognize each other. Then I was brought into this lifetime and God said: 'Now is the time. I have brought you together to do a very specific work for me'..."

St. Germain

Here are some answers and thoughts by the Master, St. Germain. They give more insight into the subject of twin souls and how we attract our other half...

Q. Are twin flames more like a companion of the soul?

A. It is an identical resonance reverberation of the

same frequency within the different (male-female)

bodies of energy.

Q. Are many twin flames coming together now in this


A. Of course, because many Christ-consciousnesses

are being born.

St Germain continues...

"Within your male (twin) soulmate energy essence, there abides a certain frequency that is indeed identical to the same frequency found in the female (twin) soulmate energy essence... there are identical frequencies existing in the opposite bodies of energy, and these you call twin flames."

"Now, experiencing Christ-Consciousness within yourself, loving unconditionally that which you are as you exist and abide in your reality at this point in time, creates the resonance within your being that attracts the identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy. It calls it forth and merges with your energy and you with it."


Another Spirit called Kryon (brought through by Lee Carroll) is known all over the world. Believe it or not, Kryon has made 3 appearances before a subcommittee of the United Nations. Kryon has this to say about soulmates and twin flames...

"There are differences between what causes a soulmate in comparison to a twin flame, these differences have been explained by others (e.g. St. Germain). The fact remains that they both carry a 'charge' of energy that you feel at the cellular level.

Dear ones, the love of appropriate twin flames or soulmates who have presented themselves synchronistically in your life is one of the highest loves between human beings. It can be between children and parents, or romantically between partners."

A Dweller on Two Planets

Another interesting mention of twin flames comes from a book called, A Dweller on Two Planets. This book was written and published by Frederick S. Oliver in 1886. The author claimed he transcribed its contents under the direction of a spiritual being called Phylos the Tibetan. It covers many subjects including reincarnation, Atlantis, the human soul and other mystical concepts. Interestingly, at one point in the book, Phylos describes a dialogue between himself and his twin, Phyris, when they knew each other before planet Earth didn't even exist.

Here is an excerpt that Phyris gave to her twin, Phylos...

"Each man we see, except those who have been transfigured, is but a semi-ego, and each woman the same - two of these having one spirit. When the perfection time cometh, all the halves shall unite, each with its own - and lo! this is the marriage made in heaven. But first comes the Trial - the Crisis of Transfiguration."

Shirley MacLaine

In the early 1980s, Shirley MacLaine described her profound spiritual awakening in a book called, Out on a Limb. I have always admired her courage in describing her experience because she had everything to lose and nothing to gain by going public with it. Since then, millions of people have benefited from her books and speaking engagements.

When Ms. MacLaine was going through the early part of her spiritual awakening, she had a private session with Kevin Ryerson, who was well-known for his ability to channel several different discarnate spirits including one called John. During the session, which was taped recorded, one of the spirits told Ms. MacLaine several things, which only she could know. Supported by these revelations she asked the spirit, John, about her past lives and someone whom she was having a love affair with.

Part of the answers given by John concerned twin souls and soul mates. Interestingly John reverses the definition of the soul mate and twin soul phrases, as I understand them and how they have been described within this web page. However, it does not diminish the concept that each of us has another half. Here is the dialogue between Ms. MacLaine and "John"...

"So, who was I in my previous lives?"

"According to the Akashic Records, you were incarnate with a twin soul."

"Oh, what exactly is a twin soul?"

"That question takes a great deal of explanation which I will endeavor to accomplish later. For now, let me begin by explaining soul mates."

"Soul Mates?" I asked. I had heard the term from time to time, usually in reference to people who said they had found their other half.

"Soul mates," John continued, "were actually created for one another at the beginning of time, or what you call at the moment of the Big Bang. They vibrate at exactly the same electromagnetic frequency because they are identical counterparts of one another. Twin souls are more common to find because they have experienced many lifetimes together in one form or another. But soul mates were actually created at the beginning of time as pairs who belonged together... So you see, there is more to your Big Bang theory than you imagine... and quite romantic at that, wouldn't you say?"

Messages from Heaven

I recently read a wonderful book titled, Messages from Heaven, by Patricia Kirmond. The author is a woman whose husband passed away at the age of 80, during April of 1995. Shortly after his death, he contacted his wife, to whom he was married for over 50 years, and gave her many messages over a 3-year period. Some of those insights concerned their twin soul relationship, as well as other references to the twin flame concept...

"Several months after his death my husband told me that we were twin flames, individual souls who were created together in the beginning as one spirit."

"I think that if any aspect of the violet flame is neglected, it is the flame of opportunity which Portia, St. Germain's twin flame, sponsors."

"People feel that finding their twin flame - their divine counterpart who was conceived out of the same white-fire of God - is the answer. But really, finding your true self and resolving your psychology is the greatest gift you can give to your twin flame."

"Ascended twin flames cannot interfere with the free will of their counterparts who are still in embodiment... The twin flame longs for the return and the victory of the divine compliment, but not in any human sense... The one in embodiment may feel a profound loneliness, a sense that something cannot be found on this earth. This one can be married and still sense that something intangible is missing. The solution is to become the Christ, to fulfill your dharma. For every act of good and love you render others, you serve your twin flame as well."

"Everyone seems to search for a twin flame in embodiment. It is important to remember that many twin flames are ascended, waiting for their divine counterparts to join them. The best favor you can offer your twin flame is your willingness to face and conquer your human self."

"If your twin flame is ascended, you are never alone."

"The twin flame is far more apt to find you or appear to you if you place the (spiritual) path before all else."

Brian Weiss, M.D.

Dr. Weiss, a highly renowned psychiatrist and graduate of Yale Medical School, has written several books, the most notable being, Many Lives, Many Masters and Only Love is Real. The former book has sold more than 2 million copies and has been translated into 26 different languages.

Based upon his extensive research and experiences, Dr. Weiss also believes in the concept of twin souls and soul mates. Here are two answers to questions asked of him in his web site...

"Do we have twin soulmates?

I do think we have a twin soulmate but (twin) soulmates are not always in body at the same time. This does not mean other relationships are not very important for learning.

What if my (twin) soul mate is no longer in my life?

Having a (twin) soul mate connection does not mean that one is obligated to spend a lifetime together. One has many (non-twin) soul mates in one's lifetime. Often when the lessons to be learned in the relationship are completed, the relationship has a natural ending and the two souls move on. Also, there are many types of love and many types of soul relationships. Romantic love is only one of these types."


All of the above information supports the notion that a separation of twin souls occurred at some point during our distant past. Since that time, we've apparently lost our way in this material world and are trying to remember who we really are and reconnect with our other soul-half. When we do, our cosmic adventure within the universe can continue where it left off ages ago.

More than likely you and your twin have come together in previous lives and may have touched at some point during this lifetime. However, if one or both of you were not spiritually ready and mature enough when it happened, the experience will have been very intense and electrifying, but short-lived.

What's the most important starting point for a twin soul reunion? How do we prepare ourselves for it? It begins with the desire to love yourself and others without any conditions attached and without judgments. Although desire is the starting point, it is not enough. One has to live it day in and day out as best as possible.

Even though our efforts to live it may not be at the level of a Master at this time, we need to be well on our way towards doing so or the twin relationship will suffer. In short, unconditional love is the magical ingredient for building a twin relationship and making it work. Resisting that effort will be the ego, which is the relationship ender.

When two twins are to ready to reunite as spiritual partners, the Universe will create the special forces necessary to bring them together for another moment in time. However, the search for the other must first begin, as a search within each of the twins themselves before lasting reunion is possible. Each has to discover his or her individual spiritual nature and God-centeredness. Then they must do their best to live it on a daily basis and foster one another's spiritual growth and evolution.

There are no dependencies in a twin soul relationship because the sense of identity has been developed within each of the partners. To reach that point, a strong sense of self and a certain degree of internal balance and happiness must first be nurtured and achieved. Then, during reunion, the essence of one simply flows into the essence of the other to create the completeness. There is no effort involved.

It is also impossible for twin souls to remain separated on any kind of permanent basis. When in relationship, they will continue to have conflicts. However, they will be driven to resolve these conflicts and any past karma as quickly as possible. Nothing is left unsaid. Nothing is left to chance. Assumptions never enter their minds. All is out in the open. Neither sits, pouts and wonders who will make the first move at "making up." There are no games, no secrets, no clinging to the other. There is no pretending. There is no deception. There is no fear of reprisal for anything they do or say, because unconditional love is the foundation upon which their relationship has been built.

In essence, twin souls can just be their open, honest selves with minimal influence from the ego. And as each conflict resolves, the bond of love between them takes on renewed meaning and strength.

How will you know you have met your twin? Here are some of the symptoms given by others who have had the experience...

Chances are you've met through a set of unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected.

There is a powerful, instantaneous feeling that you have known the other before.

You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another.

There is an electrifying feeling between the two of you that words cannot describe.

The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together.

It feels as though you had never really lived before the reunion occurred.

You feel a deep sense of sacredness and unity with God that you've have never known before.

It brings on feelings you never thought possible.

The two of you are inseparable.

When you look into each other's eyes, time and space have no meaning.

There are no barriers between the two of you. The relationship is a totally open one.

Your conversations seem to go on forever.

The two of you have a strong urge to serve humanity in a deep and meaningful way.

You give to the other and never think of receiving in return.

There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you've ever experienced before.

You still have karma with your twin from previous lives, but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love.

Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self.

There is a strong sense of unlimitedness eternity to your feelings.

Your feelings for each other are very spiritual.

There are no restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need for ownership or control.

The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for a reason.

You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are.

In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other.

Trust, patience and acceptance of each other's weaknesses happen automatically.

There is a great sense of purpose and meaning to the relationship.

Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another.

The two of you become more and more one, without losing your individual identities.

When you look into the other's eyes, you see yourself.

You experience a sense of completeness that is without comparison.

The degree of intimacy and friendship the two of you develop is without parallel.

You recognize that the two of you are Godmates.

There is no doubt that some of the symptoms described above are also common to soul mate relationships. What really sets the twin soul union apart from all the rest is the profound degree of completeness experienced and the overwhelming sense of spirituality unique to these partnerships. Two other powerful symptoms of spiritually mature twins is their powerful connection to God and their desire to serve humanity in some meaningful way.

There is also a very sacred sense of intimacy and feeling of divinely inspired wholeness that one finds within a twin soul relationship. It is not by accident nor is it without purpose. Rather, it is a magnificent and loving part of our Creator's plan for us. There is no doubt that the intensity behind the twin union is more than enough to jump start the journey that will lead us back to our Source, which will happen someday.

In closing, I want to emphasize that anyone who exposes themselves to these basic thoughts on soul mates and twin souls do so with a sense of caution. My thoughts and the writings of others mentioned herein are meant to create a sense of wonder. Please review the resource materials for this topic in this site. And always reach your own final decisions on this or any other spiritual subject by going to your heart for the final answers. It will never lie to you. The real God made it that way.

If you'd like to watch an excellent movie that describes the profoundness of the twin soul union and the passion for soul completion when two twins meet, rent the movie, Somewhere in Time, with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve.

"The supreme state of human love is the

unity of one soul within two bodies"

~ Sri Aurobindo

Soul Mates and Twin Souls

Soul Mate Relationships

Soul Mate and Twin Soul Resources

Soul Mates & Twin Souls

By Dr. Tan Kheng Khoo

There is much confusion about soul mates and twin souls. Very often these two terms have been used synonymously. They are not synonymous. One can and do have many soul mates but one has only one twin soul. In order to understand how these terms come about one must begin from the beginning. Aeons ago, many dispatches of souls or sparks of divinity were discharged from the Source or Godhead. These were destined to be human souls. The numbers in each dispatch vary considerably. The least number is a few, but the numbers may go to millions. The usual numbers are in the hundreds or thousands. The numbers are dependent on the maturity of the souls and the main purpose of their journey. The more mature or spiritually advanced they are the lesser number will be in the outburst. The first timers will be in the hundreds of thousands or millions. This process has been going on from time immemorial: there was no beginning and it looks as if there is no end.

Take an average group of a hundred and twenty eight souls in the one discharge from the Source. They begin to cool on the way down to the physical world. There are many, many worlds in just as many universes. This group of souls has decided to target planet earth. They start to descend through the pre-angelic and angelic realms in a very hazy and dreamy fashion. Very little is remembered of this period. Memory of the remaining journey down the celestial, spiritual, mental, astral and etheric realms is just as blurred. The entire journey down to the etheric/physical realm takes thousands of millions of years until they arrive at a physical planet. In the first incarnation, the group went into rocks as minerals. The entire group of souls took form in the same mineral, e.g. jade or calcium. They remain in these rocks until they were about to be upgraded to vegetation and that was when the planet had to disintegrate into smithereens. The life span as a rock took millions of years.

In the next stage the total soul group of one hundred and twenty eight souls would have to change planet. This time round they would go into the vegetation kingdom. Again all of them would remain in the same family of plants as they progressed. If the leader decides to be an orchid, the remaining soul mates would become the same type of orchid. From thence onwards, the whole group would grow spiritually by dying and being reborn into different types of vegetation, e.g. bushes, flowers and trees of various types etc. It is in this kingdom that we first learnt about death. We were destroyed by being trampled upon or eaten by animals or humans. After millions of years of being in the vegetation kingdom, we then moved on to the animal kingdom. Hitherto and including the animal kingdom we remain as group souls although we have already been individualized. At this stage the total group of 128 souls tend to remain as one type of animal. As group souls we do not have self-awareness. We only know the difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’. Again having reincarnated through many categories of animals, we arrive at being Australopithecus afarensis more than 3 million years ago. Then Homo habilis (the handy human) lived in Africa roughly 2.5 million years ago. Homo habilis walked upright and has the same dexterity as modern man. He had a brain half the size of modern man. This is the first precursor of man. The Australopithecus had a brain capacity of 400 cc. Then roughly about more than 1.5 million years ago Homo habilis evolved into Homo erectus, which has an average brain capacity of 850 c.c.

The Neanderthal is the transitional stage between the H. habilis and H. sapiens. The Neanderthal who was the first H.sapiens came about 200,000 years ago and became extinct 35,000 years ago. It has the same brain capacity as modern man, but its skull structure is more primitive than modern man's. The Neanderthal is the first human ancestor to bury his dead. This is about 60,000 years ago. However, around 35,000 years ago, the Cro-magnons completely replaced the Neanderthals and totally populated the earth. The Cro-magnons has a brain capacity of about 1,400 c.c. At this human stage, the Cro-magnons begin to ‘know that we know’. From this point onwards, the Cro-magnons began the human journey in earnest. We began to feel instinctively when we met our soul mates: there was an instant attraction to all the other 127 soul mates, but we still did not know that each of us has a twin. In the vegetable and animal stages we tended to move in the same group, and we were always not very far from each other including our twins. However, as humans we may be dispersed thousands of miles away from our soul mates. And as soon as we meet any one in our soul group we instantly feel an attraction to the other. In the primitive stages of our human evolution we certainly would not be able to differentiate between our soul mates and our twin. It is only very much later, nearing the time of the return journey to the spiritual realms that we are able to recognize our twin.

The Breakdown of the Group and Its Return

Taking the example of a group of 128 souls as above, the breakdown goes like this. It is first broken down by half i.e. 64 in each. Then these two sub-groups are further divided into 32, then 16, 8, 4 and ultimately two. The final division is when the last two is separated into twin souls. As the breakdown proceeded from the total group of 128 down to the last twin, there is pain and suffering at every separation, until the last divide the pain is the most excruciating. At this juncture, both twins vowed to seek out each other no matter how long and what hardship it entails. Of course, when the twins meet and merge back again, their task will be to conglomerate and amalgamate the entire group of 128 back to the same original whole again. When will this process start? It will be when the entire group is about to finish with their education on earth. That means in simple religious language, they are about to be enlightened. Or some would have been enlightened already, but there would also be a few stragglers left behind on earth. There could be a long wait at this border of astral/etheric realm, as some of the stragglers may take a much longer time than their fellow soul mates. However, there is some compensation at this juncture because most of the group would have found their twins and some would have already merged with their twins. Although most twin souls tend to be near each other during the last 2 lives, not all are so fortunate. So a few souls may have to wait for their twins at the border. Every member of the original group must be enlightened to merge together before they can start the journey of crossing over to the spiritual realm.

So one can see that from the beginning as primitive man one is able to feel the presence of a fellow soul mate. There is no logical reason for the attraction or liking of the soul mate. The feeling is just there. At this primitive stage, one cannot recognize the soul mate as a twin, although the twin attraction may be the strongest of them all.. That is all. There is no reason or accounting for it. Throughout the hundreds of thousands of incarnations, we have wives or husbands and lovers, and if they are not our twins or soul mates the attraction wanes in the next incarnation. One must also marry or have lovers from other soul groups, some of whom have been antagonistic towards our own soul group. Hence the intense quarrelling and bickering in marriages. However, one must remember that no matter whom we marry or have as our family members every experience in every incarnation is part of our spiritual growth. The reason we separated in the first place is to gather experience and learn to love unconditionally. That means we have to breakout of this mold of inbreeding with our own soul mates and whatever knowledge and wisdom we gather from other soul groups is to enrich our experience. Even in the same soul group, every one of the 128 is a different soul. And although the twins are very similar in character and have almost identical vibrations, they are again different. Their vibrations in this cohesive total group would have encoded the tendencies, characteristics and the level of development into every soul of the group. In other words, the larger the group emitted from the source, the less developed will the soul mates be and therefore the mutual attraction is less powerful than the much smaller groups. The smaller the group and the longer they stayed together, the more developed they are and, therefore, the stronger will be the mutual attraction. This principle will continue until the very Old Soul who will incarnate as an avatar who is composed of a small group of 2, 4 or 8 souls, which do not subdivide. These remain fused as one Old Soul, a sage or an avatar. Although an avatar has to go through the same rounds like the rest of us, he always takes the leading position in whichever kingdom he is in, e.g. lion in the animal kingdom, an oak tree in the vegetable kingdom or as a Buddha or Lao-tzu in a human.

Soul Mates

Soul mates are from a unique group that was discharged aeons ago from the Source. They cohered and were merged for ages as they descend through all the realms down to the physical. The older and wiser groups would have stayed together longer and the more similar they would be, because they would have shared more characteristics when they are together. They would have imbibed through osmosis so many peculiarities, traits, and tendencies from one another. When the 128 souls are distributed throughout the 7 billion citizens of the world, the chances of many soul mates meeting per incarnation are fairly slim. From all the many acquaintances and friends that we meet and know in this life, how many have turned out to be close friends? No more than a handful. Normally it is only one or two. This number would be the same for soul mates.

How do we recognize our soul mates? The best way is to improve our own soul quality in order for our mates to appear. That means we would recognize the soul in the person. When we meet a soul mate, there is an instant liking. Then as we come to know him or her better, we find that there is agreement in things that are important. Our attitude towards life situations is the same, although our interests may be different. The quality of our soul level is very similar: we have compassion, empathy, and realize that the purpose of life is to let go. There is no jealousy arising, and the harmony and love that are flowing to and fro would make us happy in each other’s presence. The love energy between two soul mates can only be surpassed by the love between twin souls. Whilst the love of twin souls is always with the opposite sex that of soul mates can be with both. Strong and lasting homosexual love between two individuals is almost always between soul mates and not twin souls unless one of the twins has decided to change sex for that particular incarnation. Neither is it likely between souls of two different groups. A twin in spirit may guide a grounded twin.

Each soul is supposed to experience everything in the universe before its return to the source. It is definitely impossible for a single soul to do this. Therefore, the scheme of group soul has been formulated in order that each soul can go out and experience as much as possible, but there is no necessity for each to gather all the experiences. When they finally assemble together they would have accumulated and aggregated enough knowledge and wisdom for the whole group, as the sum of the total cargo would be adequate for the entire group to pass the test. The total experience and knowledge is assimilated by all and sundry, and therefore every soul in the group would be just as knowledgeable as the whole group.

The second point in the function of the grouping is the return. Alone, the single soul cannot find its way back to the Source. They can only find their way back when joined as the original group. The group is now greatly enlarged because of its cargo of love and wisdom, although the numbers are the same as before. One can see the joy and happiness of the whole group joined together as a cohesive whole, bubbling its way back to the Source, joining up with other groups on the way up.

As a group the karma earned must now be shared by all. When one soul goes astray, the entire group has to pay for it. So one soul may delay the cross over and ascent of the whole group. However, as some of the souls in the group have done well, so the entire group would also enjoy the fruits thereof.

Soul Mates within a Family

Do soul mates tend to aggregate in one genetic family? The answer is not often. If they do incarnate in one genetic family, it would be mostly two to three in number. The usual number is two. Genetically they would be sister and brother, father and daughter or mother and son or husband and wife. Except as husband and wife, twin souls very rarely incarnate in the same family. This is because of the incestuous tendencies in the other combinations. Some cases of incest between father and daughter is due to the fact that they are twin souls. In the other combinations, certainly favoritism would arise, and that would lead to jealousy and guilt. The soul mates in the same family would not know of the reason for their fondness for each other, let alone for the other members outside the soul group to realize this affinity.

Needless to say, the best arena for spiritual practice is in the earthly family. The diversity of souls from different soul groups and the different levels of maturity provide the right mix and background for all the members in the family to practice. The more advanced members of the family will be able to pull up the less developed members. The challenges, the inequalities and the petty jealousies are all excellent material for growth. Although the souls in one family usually fall into a vibrational range, some of them may come from different soul groups and even from different universes. In the latter cases, the number and extent of conflicts can be quite horrendous, testing the members of the earth family to breaking point. Then there may arise misunderstanding, tension and embittered battles, which will be the perfect scenario for evil forces to intervene. At this point, drug and alcohol addiction, child and wife abuse and murder etc could enter this power play. Heavy karma is then incurred. This precipitate evolution is forced upon the family, as they were too tardy and lackadaisical hitherto. The resistance to growth has resulted in the pain and suffering as a wake up call. Therefore, we can now understand the process in the genesis of family karma.

Companion Soulmates: this is a subdivision of soul mates in which couples in the same group soul have created strong relationships over many incarnations. They may incarnate as husband and wife, brother and sister, father and daughter or mother and son. They may also come down as just mere friends. These companion soulmates might have incarnated together for hundreds of times, but they are not twin souls. Their love for each other is the strongest amongst soul mates, but still it has not the same magnitude as that of a twin soul.

Soul Mates as Married Couples

The love between two soul mates is very intense and strong. In fact quite a few of these love affairs have been written up as famous love stories e.g. "Wuthering Heights," "Romeo and Juliet" and "Gone with the Wind."

That means when soul mates marry, they appear as if they are twin souls, but the discerning can pick up certain telltale signs, which can differentiate one from the other. Although their love and harmony are usually of a grand affair, there will still be fuel for spiritual growth. Fuel in this instance means fodder for disagreements and misunderstandings leading to fights and even separations. In every crisis, if one is willing to learn from the mistakes that accrue from the crisis, then it becomes a spiritual lesson. On the whole, there is much more harmony and peace in a household headed by two soul mates than a family headed by two souls from different groups.

All soul mate relationships are purely for spiritual growth. We achieve this by transforming ourselves, and we can only transform ourselves by learning from others and by interacting with them. This learning must be repeated over and over again until the lessons are learned especially through knowing ourselves. This could then lead to the soul mates loving themselves and then one another. Both would then be able to establish a spiritual ideal that becomes a guiding principle for the whole family to practice with. The ideal soul-mate parents would tend to set an example to their children hoping that the children would grow up to be uprighteous.

Lastly, the married soul mates must work up their relationship into a state of unconditional (soul) love. This love does not ask for any return, thanks or gratitude, but the one would always place the needs of the other above his or her own. After achieving this type of love to our soul mates, we then learn to do the same with the rest of the family. This commodity of divine love should then be spread to whoever comes into our acquaintanceship. And in this way we should be able to treat everybody as if they are our soul mates even though they are not from the same soul group.

Soul Mates as Platonic Friends

There are true friendships without sexual involvement. These could be man-woman friendships or that of the same sex. The friendship is truly platonic and one friend would literally place the wants and needs of the other above his or her own. Idle speculators always misunderstood this type of soul-mate relationship, and they have been wrongly labeled as homosexual or extramarital relationships. These friendships are invariably life long. They often triumph over all sorts of adversities and hardships. The divine or unconditional love of soul mates is here as much as a married couple, but no sex is involved. Some of these are companion soulmates.

Soul Mates as Comrades

Within some group souls, there may be a coming together of more than two to three soul mates for a single mission or purpose. These enlarged gatherings may be seen in political, religious, academic and military groups. There is also an occasional special, select unit, organized to tackle a unique task. You can imagine how concentrated and excited is a group of researchers embarking on a completely new find, a break through that is of Noble Prize status. Then, also is the secretive and subversive political nucleus, which is enthusiastically working under cover to topple the existing corrupt government. All the core groups in these earthshaking endeavours are soul mates with one aim for the good of mankind.

In religion, the exemplary groups are Jesus and his 12 disciples. Jesus is the grand old soul, the avatar. His 12 disciples are from the same group soul. Similarly, the other avatar, Gautama Buddha, was also accompanied by his soul mates. These were his disciples who became enlightened saints, e.g. Sariputta and Moggallana. From these examples we can see the dedication with which these soul mates pursued their goal of forming a new religion for the good of mankind. Near the end not all their disciples had uniform faith. One can now question whether Judas was truly a soul mate of Jesus. Or was he from another soul group? I prefer to believe that he was from the same group, or else Jesus would not have been crucified. Because of his crucifixion and his ‘rising from the dead’ that a new religion was formed.

Groups of Advanced Souls Descending to Service

Throughout the history of the earth, there have been periods during which groups of advanced souls descend to enrich earth’s art and scientific stature. In music, the era of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart and Haydn has never been repeated. No other period has seen such giants coming down during such a short span of time. One can also cite the great master painters like Leonardo daVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael etc coming down to improve the artistic quality of the earth. Then you have the great thinkers like Newton, Copernicus, Galileo and Einstein. These geniuses do not come down together at the same time, but they each bring down their scientific and philosophical thoughts during a short span of time e.g. within a couple of centuries, which is short in cosmic time. Then in psychology one has Freud, Jung, Adler, Rank and Reich. These masters definitely put psychology on the map. At the moment, you have the transpersonal psychologists in California, e.g. Ken Wilber, Stanislav and Christina Grof and Roberto Assagioli. Again throughout history, authors of great literature came down in waves in different countries like Russia, China, England and France etc.

These soul-mate groups may not come down at the same time, but their theme is singular and so is their locality: e.g. Europe and the United States. The giant musicians are mainly from Austria and Germany. The psychologists are from Europe. So one can see that their mission or purpose is to propagate divine music or disseminate art or uplift the standard of science. Each group has one aim, and their sole purpose is to promote that aim. One may also guess that the great English writers appearing during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries may come from the same group.

Twin Souls

Twin souls are the last two souls to individualize. They are the last two peas from the same pod. At that final separation, they vowed to be reunited after they have completed their earthly duties, before they cross over to the spiritual realm for the ascent back to the Source. Whilst they were still fused together in the same pod, their sexual gender is androgynous and not male or female. It is only when they finally separate into individuals that they take on their basic gender of male and female. This basic gender will be with the twins throughout their repeated sojourns on earth until they meet again to merge. Once they merged they revert back to be androgynous. Whilst they are alone, whether they are on earth or in spirit, although they are either basically male or female, both contain the yang and yin elements. In other words, both contain male and female characteristics in each of them, and each of them has to balance the male and female elements to suit their sexual agenda for that incarnation. A basic male will adjust more yang into his psyche. Similarly, a female will have more yin in hers. A basic male who wants to be physically female for a particular incarnation may do so, as he has both elements in his etheric and other subtle bodies.

Another sure pointer to the fact that we have both gender elements in us is at the stage of adolescence. A young boy growing up to be an adult male may have homosexual tendencies like having a crush on another male, usually someone he hero worships. Then when he finally overcomes the traumas of adolescence, he becomes a full-blooded male again, without the slightest homosexual tendency left. This is also true of female adolescence.

We have many soul mates, but each of us has only one twin soul. A twin soul has every ingredient to be a whole individual. He is not a soul cut into half. However, as he has shared the same pod for the entire journey downward towards the physical earth with his twin, that attachment and longing for the twin is always there in the subliminal consciousness. The incessant throbbing of desire for the other twin is never far beneath the subconscious. It becomes more and more cogent when the soul nears the heightened state of enlightenment. That means that as soon as we become humans we have been working and practicing to achieve the ideal state to merge with our twin. This could have taken us hundreds of thousands of incarnations. As twin souls are so alike to start with, they must make the rounds to develop and learn other things so that when they merge the fused twin souls will be much richer. After the fusion, the entity will not be twosome but threesome! According to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, ‘a human meets his twin soul twelve times during his incarnations on earth.’ Prior to the ultimate meeting, some of the incarnations are fraught with suffering, like Romeo and Juliet. That means that even though we meet our twin it does not mean a blissful marriage for us. Pain and suffering beset the twins like the rest, but their love with one another is always steadfast. I believe that the last incarnation is different. In this last lifetime, both will be carrying out a mission for the benefit of mankind, and this last life on earth should be free of health and wealth problems. I may be wrong here, but I presume that this should be the case. Otherwise they cannot carry out their duty or mission well. Edgar Cayce and his twin soul, Glynn Davis are a good example. Both were healthy until they died. Glynn died much later, and she was the one that carried out Edgar Cayce' s work till the day she passed over. Glynn Davis was Edgar Cayce's secretary for years. She was hard working, dedicated and methodical and she is the one that recorded all Edgar Cayce's readings for posterity. The twin souls were dedicated to the same service for mankind.

How to Prepare for Our Twin?

We prepare by growing spiritually, so that we become whole and independent. We have to increase our vibrations by eradicating greed, lust and anger. From our normal selfishness we repeatedly convert it to selflessness. The greatest task is to humble ourselves, otherwise pride would blind us to our twin. Then comes a stage of divine discontent, which can be obliterated by forgiveness. Forgive oneself first and then forgive the others. Then learn to love oneself and then others. In the life before the one in which we would be meeting our twins we should be well developed spiritually. Our mission is known, and we would be pursuing our life plan with determination and joy. There would be self-discipline. One twin could be running parallel jobs without realizing the presence of the other. And yet, one twin is helping the other through energy interchange. This process is not recognized by both. The best way to increase our spiritual status is to go inwards. Summarizing the methods for preparation to meet our twin:

    1. Spiritual discipline: Adopt a spiritual discipline, which includes meditation. The latter would accomplish silence and stillness with emptiness of thoughts. In that silence and stillness a small little voice will surface to let us know what further steps to take. This discipline would also help us to eradicate lust, greed, anger, selfishness and pride. It is of course a slow process, but with meditation it is faster than any other method. In the depth of that emptiness and stillness, bliss will automatically arise, and if one is able to retain that bliss, joy and happiness will be our lot throughout the day. ‘Be still and know that I am God’.
    2. Let go: While on this path, the essential goal would be to let go. One must be satisfied with what material comfort that is available to us. ‘Enough is enough’ should be everybody’s motto. The pursuit of the 5 C’s in the developing and developed countries has been the bugbear. They work furiously just to acquire (1) cars, (2) condominium, (3) credit cards, (4) career, and (5) clubs membership to neurotic proportions. They forget that we cannot take it with us. A story here would illustrate this point brilliantly. A young student is sent overseas to study certain skills. This overseas country has a currency control. No money may be brought in or taken out of the country. However the student may earn a living to feed himself and pay for his tuition fees. The scholarship is for ten years. So he took a part time job while studying the skills that he was sent to learn. This part time job was so successful that in two years he made it a full time job. Then he acquired a flat, a car with credit cards. He joined prestigious clubs of that country, and he made his lucrative job his career, forgetting what he went there for. The skills that he went to learn were compassion, wisdom and unconditional love. All these were totally forgotten. So by the end of ten years at which time he has to go home, he failed miserably to acquire these skills. Neither could he bring home all his wealth because the foreign country does not allow any expatriation of its currency, and also his home country does not use money. The currency in his home is karma and merit. This is exactly what happens to all of us, except that the length of overseas study is between 50 to 80 years and not ten. And the country of our foreign study is planet earth. Our home is the spirit world.
    3. Our path and skills: We are all endowed with certain skills, carried over from past lives. We follow our propensities and the one that gives us the most happiness should be grasped and developed as a profession or vocation. It may not be lucrative at all, but nevertheless it is satisfying. With this talent as his lifework he may be able to earn a living as well as provide a service to mankind. That means if one’s job were to help the handicapped, the aged sick or retarded children then one’s occupation would also be part of one’s spiritual growth. If our work is to teach the young, equally one should put one’s heart and soul into the teaching and not merely take the teaching as earning one’s keep. The teacher should also instill spiritual qualities in his instructions.
    4. Nature and Nurture: In our recreation, one should indulge in nature. Exercising on the beach or in the woods or amongst the trees is par excellence. Walking in the woods, swimming in the seas and gardening to grow flowers and bushes for beauty should be actively cultivated. Other forms of recreations should include appreciation of classical music. Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Schubert and Mahler are the music of choice. If one is not familiar with these composers, try to learn to appreciate them. Loud, rock music especially of the hard metal variety should be avoided at all costs, because these types of music would definitely end up in deafness and it also arouses our third chakra to unseemly proportions. Lastly, one should care for this body and mind. Proper food, vegetables and fish, and avoidance of alcohol, drugs and smoking constitute clean living. Then enough rest in the form of sleep should do for the ordinary person, but for the spiritually minded, meditation is a must.
    5. The penultimate step: From now onwards we must behave as if every relationship could possibly be the ultimate one. She or he may not be the right one, but at least we know how to behave when we finally meet the real twin. Every time we enter into a relationship, we treat the other person as if he or she is our twin. The other person’s happiness must be above our own. We go to great lengths to make the other happy and secure even to our own detriment. One must remember that at this penultimate stage, both twins are on the verge of enlightenment and periods of loneliness or solitude invariably accompanies the seekers. These periods of loneliness are a false sense of separation from our soul. Therefore, meditating inwards to realize our true self is an immediate solution. When our true self is realized, bliss is there. The loneliness and sadness will vanish right away with the light accompanying the soul.

Recognizing the Twin

Twin souls have the same vibrations. They come form the same mould, although not from the same womb. They are like one person bisected into two, but not one soul divided into two. Therefore, even after millions of years of separation, when they meet they know instinctively that that this is the twin. Their vision, feeling and purpose are one. They see the same vision from the same spot, unlike two other people with two different sets of eyes, which see the same scene juxtaposed with one another. The twin souls see the same scene with their combined third eye. The scene arouses the same feeling in both, although both are of different personalities. In fact what they see may even be complimentary. This must be the case, as they are now brought together for a single purpose. The feeling for each other is nothing less than divines love. The unconditionality of their love equals loving your neighbour as thyself or loving the other as yourself. One does not love the other despite the other’s faults; one loves the other for the other’s faults as much as for the other’s virtues.

The love of twin souls is an ideal to be copied by all. The harmony and care do not allow of envy, irritation or exasperation for the other. Pain and suffering are not allowed to emerge from either party. If there is any infliction of pain it is due to an error of omission or lack of awareness. There is absolutely no intention to hurt.

The First Meeting

As mentioned by Omraam Mikhael Ivahov, twin souls meet about twelve times in our human incarnations. That means before this last sojourn, there could have been at least eleven previous meetings. Every meeting would have been melodramatic, memorable and electric. According to Sufi teachings, twin souls are like two Roman rings interlocking with each other. They may come very close when they enter a relationship in an incarnation, which means the two rings almost superimpose. But when they separate due to disagreements or reincarnating in different countries, the rings try to break away, but it is not possible. They remain inter-linked throughout their sojourns on earth and during intermissions in spirit. There is always a varying amount of common space between the two rings. During any twin-soul encounter, it is bound to be hypnotically momentous. A special feeling of energy seems to pass from one to the another beyond their control. This passage of energy is both nice and exciting. This is twin soul recognizing one another without involving the intellect. These twin souls encounter the same feeling and the same quality of love and it means the end of their loneliness. However, not all meetings of twin souls end well. Some cannot even get together. Some divorce after marriage, and they die without fulfillment. Of course, these are not their last incarnations.

Now in the last meeting before their ascent to the spiritual realms, both twins are either enlightened or nearly so. Therefore at this stage the recognition must be mutual. As they are so developed their mission in this last incarnation has a common purpose. Having the same aspirations, both would be working for the good of humanity. Their same intensity of love and compassion would make them persistent in their common pursuit. One could be the leader or innovator whilst the other is the steady workhorse. Both must be preferably, in either in arts or in science. So that the effort is not dissipated by one being in the arts and the other in science. However, this fact is not essential. Their common goal is generally to uplift and enhance the quality of humanity. Both could be in the healing profession or in the promotion of arts etc. Even if they do not work in the same place, having the same vision their work could become complimentary, since they have the same preferences, tastes and predilection. Their mental capacity is of the same order. Their tastes in food, music and sense of humour are all the same. Both will either like the mountains or the sea. Their handwriting and the lines on their palms are similar. At this stage of development, they both possess a polished sense of humour and are good-natured. One could go on ad nauseam. You have to meet a couple of twin souls yourself to see how much in unison they behave. Of course, as human beings there may be twin souls who still have some differences and friendly competition may ensue. The outcome is the betterment of humanity. The so-called fight would not last long and the make-up is the sweeter. Sometimes twin souls appear to be doing the same thing at the same time, e.g. writing letters to one another at the same time.

Before the meeting, the twins usually can sense that the time is coming near for them to meet. Then when they meet during the last incarnation, the charged electricity and explosion would indicate in no uncertain terms that ‘this is it’. However, this is not the end. Rather, it is the beginning of an ongoing process in this last incarnation. Both have still to develop and practice. Both have to continue to work at themselves so that their perfection will entitle them to journey in the spiritual realms forever never to return to earth.

When they do meet, the age difference is of no consequence to them. The disparity could be as much as fifty years, but it is totally of no importance to the twins. They do not try to change each other for both accept each other as they are. Both are usually in the same state of health: both are either healthy or both are in the same state of incapacity. Both normally have strong telepathic linkages, and if one is sad so is the other. Conversely, happiness in one very often infects the other even though they may be thousands of miles apart. Lastly, both tend to incarnate into similar social circumstances; otherwise some difficulties may arise due to the disparate social status.

False Twin

Sometimes in our enthusiasm we see a twin when he or she is not one. In a joyful relationship, the mistake is understandable. However, the mistake may be stretched until both parties are hurt, more so by the dreamer. We grab at the similarities and enlarge them to fantasy level. Then when the relationship is dying, when everybody else can see it, the illusion is still perpetuated to our great cost.

With our karma we formulate our G-plan (life plan) before coming down to earth. Our G-plan can still be modified or changed because of our freedom of choice. On the other hand in the matter of our twin, there is no choice. From the moment we individualize, our twin is destined to come back to us in the final incarnation. No amount of imagination or wishing can bring forth our twin at the time we want it.

In our loneliness, we are very vulnerable. We ourselves may construct the delusion and the make belief will drive us further away from our true twin. So-called gurus, who will pronounce to a lonely woman that she is his twin soul, may also accentuate the illusion. After some time the guru will discard this ‘twin’ and go for another. The same ploy is used. Because he is a guru the woman tends to believe him implicitly. Sometimes the guru even mentions that he has two twins! This false guru dazzles the disciple with his light, as the victim wants to believe because of her loneliness, and it is better to have a twin who is a guru than to have one who is an ordinary person.

The time to meet our twin is beyond our control. It entirely depends on the spiritual progress of the twins. After sounding the warning above, I would like to end this section with a cheerful note. As we cross over to the Aquarian age, there will be many meetings of twin souls, much more than hitherto. This is the good news. That also means that at each meeting the twosome will emit a light much brighter than the sum of two. It also means that with so many twins joining up throughout the whole world, there will be a great proliferation of lights across the globe, and this on its own will change the consciousness of planet earth. We would certainly be entering the age of enlightenment during this Aquarian age.

Twin Soul Sex

When they do meet, physical sex will not be the end all and be all of all pleasures. Of course, they still enjoy sexual pleasure, but it is no more the ultimate. It is love between two bodies as well as two souls. At this present age very few twins are already consummating their union in spirit. Physically they do not have to be together. They may be thousands of miles apart, but their spirits meet and conjoin. The joy and pleasure is much more satisfying than physical lovemaking. This is the opinion of all those who have experienced it.

Twin Soul Difficulties

When twin souls first meet even in their final incarnation, some of them will have differences in physical, emotional and intellectual content of the two personalities. Firstly, one soul has to adjust his difficulties within himself. Then he has to match whatever he has to the other. That means he has to clear all his own foibles, needs, cravings and ill will before he meets his twin as a fully satisfied individual. He should be ready to serve the other by putting the requirements of the other twin before his own. And vice versa. The struggle between themselves and together will definitely go to enhance the twinship. This is so because they have different psychological background and different personalities with emotional divergence. There will be normal conflicts when the two have such a close relationship, but the conflicts will be rapidly resolved. This is because their goal is the same. The emotional conflict is almost unbearable because they are twins. So in order not to see the other suffer, they tend to solve the problem as soon as possible.

As they have been travelling by themselves, they have earned good and bad karma of their own. Once they meet and work together, they must now try and clear both karmic debts jointly. Similarly, good karma earned by both independently will be enjoyed by both. In fact, as karma is created at the soul level, both have been influenced by the other’s karma imperceptibly.

There will definitely be stress in some couples, and in these they may even break up temporarily. Some couples will have to suffer together because of joined karma. There are so many possibilities in so many combinations and permutations. In some, the different backgrounds and karma would have brought together two very different individuals. This fact does not bother them at all. In this instance, "opposites do attract". All the differences go to complement their lives. So differences in physical, emotional and psychological make up do not tear them apart irrevocably, because their souls are joined together like Siamese twins. The compatibility here is at the spiritual level. That alone counts.

Obstacles to be encountered

The obstacles within the individual should mostly be solved by the time of the meeting. However, there may be few external obstacles that present themselves. One or both twins could have already been married when they meet. The eternal triangle is usually dealt by the almost enlightened individuals with accommodation to the existing families. If one were to hear that someone has walked out on the family to be with his or her twin soul, one can rest assured that it is not a twin soul union in their final incarnation. The already committed twin is too responsible and would continue to honour the pre-existing marriage. The twins will know that there must be a very good reason for this inconvenience. It could be a test or because of unresolved karmic obligations. The twins would then remain as loving friends or colleagues without marriage disruptions. This is due to fact that they are no more powered by passionate physical sex, as their love is above that. They may meet at night in spirit for the purpose of uplifting a common cause. They may meet in either the astral or mental world. They know that their separation is temporary and nothing in the world can stop their final union. Of course very occasionally their meeting could precipitate a marriage breakup, but this is with a marriage that is already collapsing. The breakup may induce some benefit to the aggrieved members, who can start anew with their own new partners. With this in mind, the twins who are uniting in this last incarnation, would have cultivated fidelity, joy, love and trust, and their union would be as solid as a rock.

However, there may still be a few cases, where one soul has not reached the same level as the other. One partner may outgrow the other, and the demands of the less developed may be irksome to most other partners. However to the developed twin this mild set back must be met with tolerance and patience, otherwise the growth may be stunted. At this juncture it is a shame to let the stunting be a deterrent for further growth. For instance, if one soul were to suffer from some neurotic illness, this fact may be detrimental for both. So the care-giving partner has to sacrifice his smooth progression to confront the neurotic partner with the truth of the difficulty. This may rock the marriage, but it has to be done. You do not spare the rod because you are afraid to hurt the naughty child. The soft stance will hurt the child more at a later date. This self-sacrifice must be persistent and long standing otherwise it will not work, for most neurotic diseases are brought over from past lives. The effort is worth it for it is for the mutual good of both, and the reward is enlightenment with the ultimate union with one’s twin. Thence the cross over to the higher spiritual realms never to return to earth again!


Every body on earth has been drawing closer and closer to his or her twin soul, whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. The journey of this search started the minute we individualize aeons ago. In the earlier stages, we were ignorant of this treasure hunt. We just obeyed our instincts and desires. It is only now when we are crossing over to the Aquarian age that we are much more aware of the reason for this path. There appears to be some degree of urgency in this search, just because we are nearing the end of our search. When we are going to meet our twin is not for us to know. It can be tomorrow or even the next life. As in the mystic path, when one finds oneself in the ‘dark night of the soul’, one knows that the time is nigh. At this stage of our search, the loneliness is intense. This darkness of sadness, suffering and pain has no end in sight. However, lo and behold one’s twin suddenly turns up at the next corner! She could be the nurse, doctor or the social worker. Or the twin may be at the church gathering that you started to attend. One never knows, but the twin will certainly appear. If it is not in this life, then it will be the next life at the latest. So do not despair. The twin will definitely turn up. You have no choice in this matter.

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