
Auto Timer

Help and Information


(last updated: Apr 3, 2009)


The stopwatch features can be used for many purposes.

How to use the stopwatch

First we will explain how it works. In the previous help we explained how to enable a timer and configure to be a stopwatch.

To start the stopwatch click the status bar timer on the stopwatch timer that has been enabled. This will either stop a running watch or if it is already running it will pause it.

To reset it to zero double-click in the status bar entry for the stop watch timer you want to reset.

Here we see that Timer 6 is the one we are working with using the hover-over text:

Here the timer was paused by a left mouse button single-click. You can tell because there is a '»' character before the time. The stopwatch is paused at 55 seconds:

Here is it paused at 1 minute and 21 seconds:

Here is a sample of a number of Auto Timer items including some stopwatches. See the currently running stop watch at 2,472 hours, 47 minutes and 20 seconds? Another one is paused at 11 seconds:

What can it be used for

The stopwatch can be used to time events.

Project Timer: Also, because we can have up to 10 timers you can clock your day or parts of your day. For example, if you want to time how much time is spent on a project. Simply pause and resume (single click) every time you are working on that project.

Punch Clock: Time your day. Start the timer when you start to work. Pause it for lunch, dinner or break. Resume, when you are working again. At the end of the day double-click the timer and it will stop. Record how much time you spent at work today.